The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2015 - Issue 38 | Page 21
YAMS goes
from strength
to strength
Organising farming events in the middle of
winter can be fraught with anxiety – but a
little snow and some frost didn’t interfere
with YAMS 2015, which was busier
than ever, as Ian Wilkinson reports.
As I met with Richard Tasker
On site catering always means
at 8am on the 4th of February YAMS
2015 was upon us and the doors
spot-on with supplies of all manner
were just 30 minutes from opening.
of sandwiches and beverages in
Richard was understandably a tad
supply and all at a reasonable price.
apprehensive as we were surrounded
Lunchtime saw the traditional
by cloudy skies and lightly dusting
farmers’ favourite - “The Hog Roast”
snow. Come 8.30am, however, the
- hot roast pork sandwiches with all
snow had stopped, skies were clearer
Richard Tasker
a lot at such events and this was
the trimmings. Richard even took
and by 10.30am the sunshine had
time out from his busy schedule to
arrived - as had a growing crowd of
help carve and serve for a time.
As ever there are always small
It wasn’t long before all the
glitches – the power supply tripping
avenues and stands were filling up
out early on due to certain stands
for a busy show.
overloading with too many extra
It is hard to believe that YAMS was
heaters and appliances. This was
only inaugurated last year, stemming
but a small problem that was swiftly
from the idea of having an open day
sorted by Richard Ogden and his
for Yorkshire handlers