The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2014 - Issue 32 | Page 28

RALPH COWARD The man who started with just a £2.50 calf.... Chris Berry meets Ralph Coward at Thorganby. Ralph Coward hesitated when I asked him whether he would describe himself as a farmer or a livestock buyer - as most of those who see him weekly around the auction marts - or have heard of him by reputation would probably think he would choose the latter. Ralph is also chairman of Selby Livestock Market so there are those who will only ever have seen him as a ‘mart man’. After a brief consideration, Ralph said: “I would say I’m a bit of both. I spend three days a week on the farm and three days a week at market in Selby, York and Thirsk. I sometimes get to Carlisle too.” But his response would have been different years ago when he was seen at livestock markets throughout the north of England. They were the days when Ralph enjoyed visiting the likes of Malton, Driffield and Hexham, three of his personal favourites. He explained why: “Malton would have 800 cattle and 5,000 sheep every week and Driffield would have 600 cattle and 3,000 sheep. You just cannot imagine those kind of numbers now and of course, there is no longer a Driffield Market at all.” Born at Corner Farm, Selby Common where his parents, George and Lucy tenanted around 60 acres, the family moved to East Grange Farm in Thorganby near to the River Derwent when Ralph was