The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2014 - Issue 32 | Page 26

ARABLE MAKE THE MOST OF MANURE Manure is a valuable resource and to make the best use of it you need to know how much nitrogen, phosphate and potash it contains. ‘Helpful new DairyCo video on slurry nutrients’ “You wouldn’t spread bought-in fertiliser without knowing its nutrient content and it should be the same when applying manure to land,” says Dr Lizzie Sagoo, soil scientist from ADAS, in a helpful new DairyCo video on slurry nutrients. Lizzie worked on the development of MANNER-NPK software which estimates the economic value of your manure applications depending on the nutrient content of the manure, location, weather and soil conditions at the time of slurry application. The software contains typical figures for the nutrient contents of over 40 different types of manure and waste products, based on the analysis of hundreds of samples. “It is a good place to start nutrient planning,” says Lizzie, “but nutrient values can vary and taking a sample of your Dave Clarke Agricultural Contractor “The Most Cost Effective and Efficient Grassland Rejuvenation” We use the Guttler Greenmaster which is a unique single pass seeding and conditioning system. Stage 1 is the Harrowflex, which is designed to remove the dead and unwanted grass, weeds and moss from the existing sward. Then there is the seeder which is ground driven for accurate distribution of the seed. The third stage is the roller which has a prism design of point to ensure maximum seed to soil. One of the most cost effective and efficient weed management and seeding systems. Localised, quick-response, service for the North Yorkshire and SW Durham area - 0-50 acre job specialty tel: 01748884346 or 07778619988 E: [email protected] W: 26 Feb/Mar 2014 FarmersMart animals’ manure and getting it analysed will give you an even better idea of the value of the slurry. You can enter this analysis into MANNER NPK for H