The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2019 - Issue 60 | Page 9

NOBODY UNDERSTANDS FARMING LIKE YOU. AND US. We come from farming backgrounds so we understand the ins and outs, the ups and downs of running a farm just like yours. F Y From tractors to trailers, cattle to combines and lambs to loaders, we’ll make sure you are fully covered. FOR • Independent brokers who truly understand your business CE • Friendly team of trustworthy experts N • Over 22 years’ farming experience That’s why we are best placed to insure it. So you get the cover you need, not the cover you don’t. FA R M ER Insurance for famers, by farmers 01604 782782 Call Thomas Jones Registered Office: F & M Group, Thistledown Barn, 204 Holcot Lane, Sywell, Northampton NN6 0BG. A R A B L E | L I V E S T O C K | R E N E WA B L E | E N V I R O N M E N TA L | D I V E R S I F I C AT I O N | S M A L L H O L D E R S