The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2019 - Issue 60 | 页面 4

4 EDITOR’S INTRO DEC/JAN 2019 • As we stroll in to 2019, we start the year with some major machinery shows, the first being LAMMA, which has a location change this year to the NEC in Birmingham. Then in February up here in Yorkshire is YAMS (Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show). We have extensive pre-show coverage in this issue, and we’ll be following up in the next edition with a show review. Our preview has over 15 pages dedicated to various businesses who are all exhibiting at this year’s show. ALSO in this issue, is a feature on farm security, which has become a big topic due to the rise in rural crime across the UK. We’ve included several articles that provide advice and sugges- tions to help deter any unwel- come visitors with criminal inten- tions to your farm. Burg-Wächter provides some valuable tips on securing your farm and there's an article from the NFU which also provides a plethora of useful hints on security. Technology in 2018 start- ed making bigger waves in farming, the Hands-Free Hectare successfully operated an autonomous combine and achieved unloading on the move for the first time. The Small Robot Company be- gins trials at the Waitrose and Partners farm in Hampshire testing the use of their auton- omous farm bots. Plus, we’ve seen greater use of technology generally, everything from mo- bile apps to the use of drones has seen growth within the industry. One of the big topics on everyone’s lips this year has been Brexit. At the time of writ- ing, parliament hadn’t voted on the deal, which is now due to be done on 14th January, and the government were preparing for a possible No Deal scenario. ' a plethora of useful hints on security ' We will continue as we’ve al- ways done to bring you the lat- est news, great articles on those working within the industry and in-depth special features focused on topics in farming throughout 2019. That’s all for this issue, we hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year, and we look forward to the rest of the year. Editor, Jason ISSUE 60 • DEC/JAN 2019 For more news, views and stories from the number one farming guide in the North, visit LEON BOOTS CO. LTD Existing on the Market for many years as a distributor of EVA Wellington Boots we have gained experience and knowledge about this Market and found a great potential in this type of product. By listening carefully our valued customers we have also discovered a growing market niche for ULTRALight Protective/Safety Boots which are now known as a revolutionary alternative for outdated heavy rubber or PVC footwear. IN 2016 together with Team in Ireland we have decided to create our own brand of footwear ‘LBC - Leon Boots Co’ and take a part in rEVAlution in the world of Rain Boots, which has started in Europe and now is spreading fast around the Globe. In order to provide the best quality products, we work only with well-established manufac- turers from EU. We are targeting Hardware, Gift, DIY, Footwear, Farm and Garden sectors. With Factories based in Central Europe we are ready to serve the most demanding clients with wide range of footwear, ex- cellent service and timely manner at competitive prices and quality under EU regulations. Our ULTRA- Light range of boots with remov- able and washable warm linings is getting now significant market share so if you are in business don’t miss it out! Top 6 benefits 1. LBC Boots are Lighter by up to 65% than other Rain boots available on the market 2. LBC Boots come with Remov- able and machine-washable warm liner, which allows wear with or without the liner during the whole year 3. LBC Boots are softer and much more comfortable than any other boots available on the market 4. LBC Boots are very durable as they are made by a direct injection moulding process without gluing or vulcanizing processes which makes them resistant to splits and cracks. 5. LBC Boots soles give great cushion especially in the heel area which supports comfort of use even during long hours of work. 6. LBC Boots can be used in tem- peratures up to -30’C