The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2019 - Issue 60 | Page 15

FARM NEWS 15 • DEC/JAN 2019 NFU OUTLINES IMPORTANCE OF FOOD STRATEGY AHEAD OF BREXIT NFU President Minette Batters has today stressed the need for a comprehensive food strategy which sets out a collaborative vision of the future of food in Britain. Speaking at the Egg and Poultry Industry Conference (EPIC), which was chaired by NFU chief poultry adviser Gary Ford, Mrs Batters said: “The Agriculture Bill and a new policy offer a once-in-a-gen- eration chance to influence our course for the future and we must seize it by setting out a clear vision of where we want to be post-Brexit. “To do this we need a proactive plan which joins the dots between farmers and the wider food man- ufacturing industry, and builds a ‘ we must work together to seize the opportunities we have been given and strive for a future united by food ’ brand based on the integrity and standards of British food. “Looking beyond Brexit, I see a progressive food and farming industry which focuses on four key areas – moral imperative, health and nutrition, integrity and standards, and working with nature –and delivers for all corners of society while fulfill- ing our moral obligations in a global economy and a changing world. “As an industry our futures are inextricably linked, and we will face many common and pressing challenges in the months ahead. We must work together to seize the op- portunities we have been given and strive for a future united by food.” Lynx reintroduction in Kielder Forest Rejected MICHAEL Gove, Defra’s Secretary of State has writ- ten to the Lynx UK Trust in response to their application to release 6 Eurasian Lynx into Kielder Forest, North- umberland. There has been significant public interest in these proposals and the Secretary of State called the application in for his person- al consideration. Natural England was asked to provide advice to Defra on the application and to undertake a full assessment of this, including how the proposals met international guidelines for reintroduc- tions and translocations. Based on Natural Eng- land’s advice, the Secretary of State has decided to refuse the application as it was determined, through scientific advice, that it did not meet the necessary standards set out in the International Union for Con- servation of Nature (IUCN) guidelines. An additional consideration found that the application did not comprehensively provide the necessary information required for Defra to be confident in the success of this proposal. JCB digs deep for Royal British Legion poppy appeal WE will remember them… JCB has paid its Given the significant public interest in this pro- posal, we have chosen to publish the advice provided by Natural England. This decision emphasises the government’s desire to ensure project proposals are comprehensive, meet international guidelines and are sufficiently supported by stakeholders. The government remains committed to providing opportunities for the rein- troduction of species where there are clear environ- mental and socio-economic benefits. government/publications/ lynx-reintroduction-in-kielder- forest final tribute to the World War I generation by presenting a cheque for more than £30,000 to The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. The company, which hosted Stafford- shire’s Poppy Appeal launch at JCB World Headquarters, Rocester, donated a unique poppy-liveried mini excavator which was then auctioned to kickstart the Centenary appeal. The winning £25,500 bid was made by JCB customer Arnold Plant Hire Limited. In addition, JCB commissioned Stoke-on- Trent ceramics company Valentine Clays to craft 255 bone china poppies – one for each soldier in Uttoxeter, and the sur- rounding villages who lost their life in The Great War. The limited edition poppies sold out within days and raised a further £6,375 for the Royal British Legion’s appeal which provides lifelong support for the Armed Forces community - serving men and women, veterans, and their families. JCB Director George Bamford, son of JCB Chairman Lord Bamford, presented the £31,875 total to Royal British Legion Assistant Director Community Fundraising and Mass Events Simon O’Leary and also handed over the keys for the unique mi- ni-excavator to Arnold Plant Hire Managing Director Philip Oldham. He said: “The British Legion’s theme for the Centenary is ‘Thank You’ and there is no better way of saying our own thank you than helping to raise funds for such a worthwhile cause. Arnold Plant Hire has given very generously and we are sure the unique poppy liveried 16C-1 mini-excavator will be a stunning addition to their JCB fleet.”