The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2018 - Issue 54 | Page 44
DEC/JAN 2018 •
On the outskirts of Caldecott, in
Rutland, lies a farm situated in 250
hectares of beautiful countryside.
Fairchilds Lodge has been farmed by
the Brown family for over 130 years,
making the family one of the country’s
longest serving tenant farmers. The
farm is currently run and managed by
Andrew Brown, whose family have been
farming in the Welland Valley, Rutland
for over 300 years. Jason recently
caught with Andrew for a chat about
Fairchilds and farming life in general.
THE farm consists of 250 hec-
tares, which is portioned into 60%
arable, growing a variety of crops
that includes wheat, beans and
barley. Whilst the remaining 40% is
given over to permanent pasture
which is rented out locally.
In 2000 Andrew and Fairch-
ilds Lodge became involved in
the Countryside Stewardship
Scheme. Andrew has always
been interested in conservation
and could see the economic
benefits in becoming involved
in the scheme. Since joining, 23
hectares have been taken out
of production to grow wild bird
seed. Andrew has also planted
a 3-hectare community wood-
land with the help of local scouts
and school children, as well as
installing a permissive bridleway.
The farm also has an ancient oak
tree, which was hit by an Avro
Lancaster Bomber during WW2.
The plane travelled a further 20
miles before crashing near North-
Over the years the farm has
won several awards which have
included, ‘the Beautiful Farm