The Farmers Mart Dec/Jan 2017 - Issue 49 | Page 60

Dairy / Cattle

Borderway UK Dairy Expo 2017

For the sixth year running , Harrison & Hetherington have announced the return of their flagship dairy showcase , Borderway UK Dairy Expo , which will take place at the Borderway Exhibition Centre on Saturday 11th March 2017 .
WITH AN INTERNATIONAL line up of judges , 60 show classes and the Dairy Youth Championships , Borderway Dairy Expo has now become one of the most prestigious dairy events in Europe . This event brings together the crème-de-la-crème of British dairy genetics and highlights the quality of stock that the UK has to offer .
Since its launch in 2012 , Borderway UK Dairy Expo has grown rapidly in size and last year the event saw over 350 animals presented for judging , 120 trade stalls and exhibitors , and in the region of 7000 visitors .
Commenting on why this is such a key exhibition in the farming calendar , Event Organiser and Operations Director at Harrison & Hetherington , David Pritchard said : “ There is quite literally something for everyone within the dairy industry ; it is a hub for knowledge sharing with traders showcasing the latest industry development , technical advances , genetic breakthroughs and export opportunities .
“ When we launched in 2012 our aim from the outset was to celebrate the best of what the
dairy industry has to offer , and I believe we have achieved this . This is highlighted by the sheer number of exhibitors , traders and the UK and international visitors we now welcome each year .
“ With plans firmly underway for our sixth event in March 2017 , we are looking forward to yet again announcing another fantastic line up of well renowned judges .”
Testament to the success of Borderway UK Dairy Expo is the continued support from the sponsors ; Holstein UK , CIS , Clydesdale Bank , Norbrook , Farmers Guardian , Carrs Billington and Harrison and Hetherington . The standing of
the event to the industry after last year ’ s event was summed up by Mark Holliday , Sales Specialist and Marketing Manager at Carrs Billington :
“ Borderway UK Dairy Expo really is a tremendous show of dairy cattle , one of the best in the country . It is a very important part of the UK showing calendar , and from a business side it is an ideal time to have a show .”
The livestock schedule and entry forms will soon be available to download online or by contacting the Harrison & Hetherington Event Office on 01228 406 230 .
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