Malcolm Allison of Reeth
Fabricators and suppliers of steel framed buildings in kit form and erection
31 Racecourse Road , Gallowfields Trading Estate , Richmond , North Yorkshire , DL10 4SU
Bank Top Mart , Clifton Road , Darlington , Co Durham DL1 5DU Tel : 01325 464529 Fax : 01325 384282
Wishing Malcolm Allison and team continued success ------------ Weekly Sale of Prime Cattle and Sheep Every Thursday Weekly Sales of Store Cattle and Sheep Every Monday ------------- Agricultural , Tax and Compensation Claim Valuations Undertaken ------------
Details Telephone : 01325 464529 Andrew J Armstrong ( Operations Director / Senior Auctioneer ): 07766914075 Email : andrew @ dfam . co . uk Scott Ferrie ( Auctioneer ):
07557 260653 Email : scott @ dfam . co . uk
Tracey Gilhespy ( Field Officer ): 07867974688 Email : tracey @ dfam . co . uk
Stephen Dodsworth ( Field Officer ):
07778737431 Email : stephen @ dfam . co . uk
Agricultural ▪ Industrial ▪ Commercial
Pleased to be associated with Malcolm and we wish him all the best in the future
All CE certified to BS-EN-1090 standard
Contact us today Telephone : 01748 826430 Mobile : 07885 754939 E-mail : carl @ cjtengineering . co . uk
Proud to be associated with Malcolm Allison and his team Tel : 01833 650516 | Email : jstephenson @ swaledale-sheep . com
www . swaledale-sheep . com
Swaledales mothering ability keeps them top
Chris Berry talks with Malcolm Allison in Reeth
THERE HAS BEEN SO much written about hard-up hill farmers scratching around to make a living in the hills that it appears the publicity it has generated has now almost taken over from the reality . These days those who farm in Wensleydale and Swaledale travel all over the UK , they take foreign holidays and go to rock concerts . The days when the head of the family would expect the son to work for nothing and only give him sixpence every Saturday for a jug of ale are gone . While some tales of woe and struggles to make a living are undeniably true , it ’ s not exactly Hannah Hauxwell territory for many - if any – today ( but do let us know if you know different ).
Malcolm Allison is in a family farming partnership with his brother , Laurence and two nephews , Christopher and Stephen . They have two farms at Seal Houses , Arkengarthdale and Cogden Hall , Grinton where they run a 600-acre enterprise that includes 1200 breeding ewes and 80 cattle . Malcolm lives at Moor Garth in Reeth , between the two farms .
‘ We are able to make a reasonable living from what we do but it isn ’ t a get rich quick scheme by any means ,’ he says . We work hard but life is very different to what it used to be .
We ’ re in the land of computers now and the dog-and-stick days are gone for many . For those who have rented farms it will be tough some years but fortunately we have the benefit of being owner-occupiers .’
Herbert Peacock , Malcolm ’ s grandfather , had moved to Seal Houses from across the valley and it was Malcolm ’ s father , John Allison who married Herbert ’ s daughter from which the partnership J . Allison & Sons was formed that saw the three sons Malcolm , Alan and Laurence farm with their father until John passed away in 1998 . Alan died of a brain tumour in December 2015 . Cogden Hall had been purchased in 1981 .
Swaledale sheep provide the bedrock to the farm business with 700 pure Swaledales and 500 crossed with the Blue Faced Leicester tup to produce the North of England Mule . A flock of 30 Blue Faced Leicester breeding ewes is also kept for this purpose . Lambing starts from mid-March with the Leicesters and Mules followed by an 10 April start for the Swaledales .
‘ The Swaledale is the main hill breed to breed the North of England Mule and that is the most popular down country
58 Dec / Jan 2017 www . farmers-mart . co . uk