The Farmers Mart Dec/Jan 2015 - Issue 37 | Page 30

YAMS 2015 Pressure Washers » Floor Cleaning Equipment Steam Cleaners » Vacuums » Heaters » Water Bowser Services: Products: Our range of products covers industrial pressure washers, steam cleaners, vacuums, sweepers and scrubber driers from domestic through to heavy industrial, in fact any machines used in the cleaning industry. Come along & visit our stand at YAMS on Wednesday 4th February 2015 We look forward to seeing you Our aim is to analyse the customer's requirements and then provide the necessary solutions to solve the problems with the right machines and where needed complimentary detergents. Demonstrations are available for all our machines as is instruction to their correct operation on delivery. t: 01964 562482 m: 07808 367176 e: [email protected] For all your agricultural needs Malton 01653 698000 Boroughbridge 01423 324848 Call today to ask about our WINTER SERVICE PROMO TIONS PROMOTIONS Special offers available until the 31st May 2015 Northallerton 01609 771727 Selby 01977 663353 Come along and talk to us, We have special show deals for you on the day! 30 Dec/Jan 2015 FarmersMart To read more, visit