Farm News
Don ’ t be caught out by new European rodenticides legislation , Lodi UK warns
CURRENT USERS OF PROFESSIONALstrength rodenticides could find themselves unable to purchase these products following the introduction of new European legislation on 1 March 2018 , unless they obtain the correct certification before that time . That ’ s the warning from Lodi UK , which has launched a free website to train users in the best practices of rodent control to help users gain CRRU-approved certification .
“ This is a major issue which will affect many in the rural community , who currently purchase professional-strength products , classified as those which contain 50 ppm ( parts per million ) of anticoagulant rodenticide active substances . It is , therefore , important that they are aware of the forthcoming changes and how to obtain the certification required to continue purchasing such products after that date ,” states Roger Simpson , Managing Director of the UK ’ s leading manufacturer of pest control products .
Under current legislation , ‘ nonprofessionals ’ can purchase professionalstrength rodenticides in pack sizes of up to 1.5kg , while ‘ professional ’ users can purchase them in all available pack sizes up to 20kg . A professional is considered as someone who either :
• Holds a certificate approved by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use ( CRRU ).
Further details are available at http :// www . thinkwildlife . org / list-of-training-andcertification
• Is part of a CRRU-approved farm assured scheme .
It was originally anticipated that farmers who are part of a farm-assured scheme would only be covered until the end of 2017 . However , in April 2017 several farm-assured schemes whose standards involve a systematic approach to rodent pest management , with documentation and regular annual independent audit procedures , were approved to cover farmers after that date and for the foreseeable future . Members of schemes which are not listed can have no certainty that their membership will provide proof of competence to purchase professionalstrength rodenticides after the end of 2017 .
Details of eligible schemes can be found at http :// www . thinkwildlife . org / list-ofapproved-farm-assurance-schemes .
On 1 March 2018 , Commission Regulation 2016 / 1179 will come into force , amending the CLP Regulation * on all anticoagulant rodenticide active substances above 30ppm .
These products will be forbidden for amateur use and those not considered to be a ‘ professional user ’ will no longer have access to professional strength products . The options for those outside this category will be to :
1 . Use a professional pest control company who have CRRU-certified technicians .
2 . Purchase maximum pack sizes of 150g of grain and bait formulations or 300g packs of block baits containing a maximum 30PPM of anticoagulant rodenticide active substances and only up to half the strength of the products they may use currently . 3 . Achieve CRRU-approved certification . To support the rural and farming communities , Lodi UK work closely with LANTRA , the leading awarding body for land-based and environmental training courses , to provide a free , easy-to-use website ( www . lodi-farmsolutions . co . uk ). The online site covers all the required reading material covering the correct use and practices of rodenticides , providing all the information required to pass the LANTRA exam in Rodent Control on Farm .
The course material takes approximately two hours to complete and is presented in easy , bite-sized sections which can be completed in one , or several stages , whenever is convenient . Once this has been completed , a click of the mouse will take you to the LANTRA website where you will be able to take the multi-choice exam , which costs £ 50 + VAT and is payable to LANTRA . Once you have passed you will receive a pdf certificate by email , which can be presented to your local merchant enabling you to purchase professional strength rodenticide products of 3kg and above .
“ We are delighted to offer this free learning facility , which will enable those in the rural community to ensure that they have the required certification by the time the new directive comes into force next year ,” Roger Simpson states .
* European Regulation ( EC ) No 1272 / 2008 on classification , labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures came into force on 20 January 2009 in all EU Member States , including the UK . It is known by its abbreviated form , ‘ the CLP Regulation ’ or just plain ‘ CLP ’.
12 Autumn 2017 www . farmers-mart . co . uk