• AUG / SEP 2021
We are proud to be associated with the Hobson Family of Half Moon Farm
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EasyCare sheep do get some bad press from the misinformed as they can look scruffy when shedding and farmers are sometimes wrongly accused of maltreatment from the public . This self-shedding ability eliminates one thing for the small flock keeper , the difficulty in finding shearers willing to shear small numbers of sheep .
John and Louise switched to EasyCare back in 2010 and have invested a lot of time , thought and care into their flock development . They don ’ t dock the tails , castrate , or lamb inside . Both John and Louise have a strong set of binoculars at lambing time !
They have embarked on a project to test for the myostatin gene which is a way of getting more muscle into the carcass reducing fat . The EasyCare produces great meat and strong lambing ratios . All ewes have a bolus treatment with added copper as extra insurance . John and Louise have really perfected their management system , none of their ewes have
concentrates . They now feed the flock on liquid molasses , which is available 24 hours a day in specially designed wheeled feeders . This is combined with haylage in winter and Himalayan rock salt . The feeders stop any bullying and provide good protection from winter snows as the molasses is always with the stock and means no animal is waiting for its feed .
Molasses is great for them as it improves colostrum and grass digestion , further benefits are a more lubricated birth canal , lambs are wetter and reduces the problem of twin lamb disease . With feed prices continually rising there is also a considerable cost saving .
They used to market finished lambs via local markets , with little difference between woolly and non-woolly , however , when considering cost savings on the non-woolly the difference was negligible . On further checking what they were getting for live lambs , they switched to taking all finished lambs and hoggs to the collection centre at Wharfedale Auction Mart in Otley . The stock is sold on commission , directly to Dunbia dead weight . Not only has this generated an extra £ 10 to £ 15 per head , but it has also meant that from the data they receive
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MASHAM HG4 4EL We are proud to supply JOHN & LOUISE HOBSON of Half Moon Farm
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Proud to support John & Louise Hobson of Half Moon Farm , wishing them continued success .