The Farmers Mart Aug-Sep 2019 - Issue 64 | Page 65

MACHINERY 65 • AUG/SEP 2019 ! OFFER!! The NEW £1695 Plasma Sound PC50M + VAT The single phase plasma cutter with 20mm clean cut. • • • Manufactured in the UK Wire size 0.6mm -1.2mm • Cuts any metal in any condition Supplied with 4M MIG • 6M torch length welding torch • 25mm severance cut • Digital voltage and 95 £16 Rd, • No gas required ST5 just compressed air Address: Holditch Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Satffordshire, 7PL Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 1782 566553 amperage Website: meter • 230V (32amp) • Compact or separate + VAT version available • 3 year warranty • 2 year warranty ! OFFER!! The NEW 301S 300amp MIG welder (230V 32amp) CP70C Plasma Torch Tel: 01268 793928 Fax: 01268 757828 sales@allied 5a Armstrong Road, Manor Trading Estate, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 4PW SPECIALISING IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE CAB PICKUPS & LANDROVER DEFENDERS USED , NEW AND RECONDITIONED PARTS AVAILABLE Proud to support the British farmers - offering a 10% discount off all used parts when quoting this advert. NEW BREAK ONLY VEHICLES ARRIVING DAILY Unwanted 4x4’s or pickups? Runners or Non - Runners Give us a call or email anything you have to sell WE HAVE PLENTY PARTS IN STOCK - IF YOU CANT FIND WHAT YOUR LOOKING FOR ONLINE, THEN GET IN TOUCH Tel: 01422 243100 The Sidings, Holdsworth Road, Halifax HX3 6SN [email protected]