The Farmers Mart Aug-Sep 2019 - Issue 64 | Page 62

62 ANDREW GUEST LTD AUG/SEP 2019 • metre reconditioned harrow at £5950 complete with packer roller which is highly robust and is a third the price of a new one. Recently Andrew has continued to invest in automation to create greater efficiency and quality. He has now installed a £150,000 Robot Welder, £20,000 CNC milling bed and £20,000 saw. The whole process is now aided by overhead cranes. I asked Andrew what some of his biggest challenges along the way have been. Certainly, a big frustration has been man- ufacturers refusal to supply parts direct. However, his biggest challenge has been a in many business’s – Staff – Andrew now employ 12 full time staff including 3 excellent apprentices. He has had to go through a lot of people to get the right ones and finding good welders is nigh on impossible. Andrew demands the highest of standards and he can do that because he believes in both paying well and looking after his staff, both in working environment and also they all get a big bonus at xmas – if the company does well then so do they all. Andrew has even gone as far the install LED lights everywhere and increase the number of rooflights, so the team generally work in natural light even though it is a factory. Andrew hasn’t had to do this all alone, no up until January Andrew’s wife Wendy worked in the business, in the office and the factory floor- she now lives in their house in the lovely Norfolk town of Burnham Market, Andrew loves to go there at the weekend as it gives him a real break from the business. However, the moment there is a problem Wendy will hot foot it back to Newark and get stuck right in again. Andrew today works closely with his staff coaching and developing them as one day he would like them to have a bigger share of the business. His stepson Lewis works in the business as foreman and Andrew would like to see him along with others take over the reins one day. Andrew has not only made a great success of the engineering business but has also invested wisely in property, devel- oping 8 properties within his home village of which some will be rented out along with a house in hometown Sheffield. – Much of the work has been both managed and worked on by Andrew. So, from very small and humble begin- nings Andrew Guest has come a long way and achieved much. However, this hasn’t changed him which is why he remains a friendly, interesting and approachable person. Visit many of the agricultural shows in the country and you will recog- nise him from his natural presence, smile and he will be the one always chatting to customers. We wish him continued success and fulfilment. Forming 6 Axis CNC High Precision Repeatability Laser Cutting Mild Steel Stainless Steel Aluminium High Speed Cutting Sample - KANBAN Proud to supply and support Andrew Guest. Industrial laser cutting and forming services visit: Laser marking and engraving visit: Laser Marking Engraving Ablation Foaming Deep Engraving Tel: 01623 647747 Email: [email protected]