The Farmers Mart Aug-Sep 2019 - Issue 64 | Page 60
AUG/SEP 2019 •
I recently met up with the colourful owner
of Andrew Guest LTD. Here is another
example of a highly successful business
created, developed and managed by one
driven person started way back in 1980
with just £300 and a battered Mini to his
name. Today Andrew Guest is well known
in the business not only for the quality of
his products but also his relentless energy,
passion and bonhomie. As I stood in the
middle of one of his huge sheds, I was keen
to learn about his journey from then to
now. From the corner of my eye I also spied
that the battered 60’s Mini has now turned
into a Range Rover Sport, his next one will
be the 600HP Vogue (Andrew likes his cars
and bit of a speed).
Although he has been in Newark for many
years, he is a Yorkshire man born and bred
in Eckington, Sheffield. Andrew remembers
his roots and tough upbringing, his father
worked in Renishaw’s steelworks close
by. As many families living that tough
existence Father and Mother liked a
drink which often meant things were in
short supply at home and many a time
the young ones went without. Childhood
experiences taught him the value of
money, which gave him that drive to
Andrew left school and went to
Caythorpe college to do a course in
Agricultural Engineering. In his final two
years Andrew worked on the farm as a
summer job. On successfully completing his
course at college Andrew was keen to start
his business as an agricultural engineer. He
struck a deal with the farmer who in return
for very low wages allowed him the use
of the yard a shed and a small house for
To begin with Andrew developed a
reputation for fixing and modifying just
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about anything. Early on he adapted an old
fork truck to go on the back of a tractor to
act as a bale handler. There were a lot of
Lely power harrows about which Andrew
bought a lot of as there was a demand for
electric power harrows parts. Someone
who had noticed what Andrew was doing
was Frank Charlton of Wrights Register and
it was he that suggested Andrew look at
KUHN. Andrew bought his first KUHN from
Burgess’s of Bingham for £200 in 1986. It was
a 1977 model and to this day its still working
in Bakewell, he would love to get his hands
on this first machine again.
Very quickly Andrew realised that the
KUHN was much better to work on and
was made of much better steel owing to
the better heat treatment process. Virtually
from then on, he started completely refur-
bishing KUHN’s and started to become the
specialist he has been now for many years.
As the power harrows took off, he moved
into drills as well. Today they refurbish
many ACCORD seed drills.
In 1990 Andrew bought the yard and at
that time he was still doing B&B PIGS. By
1994 he had paid for the yard,he then built
the very house he lives in today. Once the
house was built, he then started to modify
the buildings. 1996 he built a brand-new
workshop. 1998 saw a brand-new secure
machinery store. In 2000 Andrew then
purchased the old 1000-ton grain store next
door in order to make his own shot-blasting
and paint unit. This gave him the capacity
to handle his already fast-growing business
and gave him enough room to expand.
With the expansion of his facilities
Andrew started manufacturing his own
parts in steel and using his own casting
patterns. His replacement parts are always
made to the highest spec using only British
foundries. Everything is now machined in
Andrew has always bought his parts in sig-
nificant bulk but always from main dealers,
as KUHN ,for some strange reason wont
deal direct. The number of parts bought is
staggering, at xmas they bought 54 tonnes
of tines and 4 tons of gears and would you
believe they are already running out!
When Andrew and the team recondition
KUHN’s they use many genuine KUHN parts
and wherever they can improve spec/
particular parts based on their years of
experience these are the ones they manu-
facture themselves. When reconditioning,
every machine is stripped completely
down to its constituent parts, refurbished
and or replaced, So, you could almost say
that a reconditioned KUHN from Andrew
Guest is as good as if not better than the
When I asked about the obvious success
of the company and what makes the differ-
ence, Andrew was very quick to say three
things “Attention to detail, know what the
customer wants, reliability of equipment
service”. He must be right because the busi-
ness has gone from strength to strength.
Despite the growth of the business Andrew
still works “Hands On” in the business day
to day and is an expert in the production
process, so he knows exactly what a quality
job looks like. He is an absolute stickler for
only promising what can be delivered and
only supplying what a customer needs.
Because he has an infinite knowledge of
Harrows, Drills etc even if a Farmer isn’t
sure, he can tell Andrew roughly want
he wants or what he thinks he wants and
Andrew will be able to advise on exactly
the right type and model of machine to do
the job.
Andrew Guest machines are highly relia-
ble and robust; however, the best of Famers
can make a handsome mess of a machine
from time to time. Andrew and team have
not only great expertise but also a wealth
of parts which means you won’t be at a
standstill for long.
Despite the complexity of the machines
they work on they also now have a three