The Farmers Mart Aug/Sep 2015 - Issue 41 | Page 40

Whincover Farm I NSU R A NC E T H A T ' SO NY O U R D O O R ST E P H av ing a l o c alo f f ic e me ans w e ’re ac c e ssibl e ,w h e t h e r yo u ne e dt o mak e c h ange st oyo ur po l ic yo r mak e ac l aim. We c an h e l p yo u insure yo ur: •H o me &C ar •H o rse &H o rse bo x •Busine ss •L GV& C o mme rc ialV e h ic l e F o r a re al c o nve rsatio n abo ut yo ur ne e ds c al l 0 1 1 424 5390 6o r po p intoo ur branc h NF UO f f ic e, T h o rnc l if f eP ark , C h apl e t o w n, Sh e f f ie l d,S352P H O ur age nt s are appo int e d re pre se nt at iv e sf o r ge ne ralinsuranc e pro duc t s and int ro duc e r appo int e d re pre se nt at iv e sf o rl if e ,pe nsio ns and inv e st me nt so fNF U M ut ual .O ur st af fint ro duc e t oNF UM ut ualf o rl if e ,pe nsio ns and inv e st me nt s.NF UM ut ualis T h e Nat io nalF arme rs U nio nM ut ualI nsuranc e So c ie t yL imit e d ( No .1 1 1 982) .R e gist e re d in E ngl and.R e gist e re dO f f ic e :T iddingt o nR o ad,St rat f o rd upo nA v o n,Warw ic k sh ire C V 377 BJ .A ut h o rise d by t h e P rude nt ialR e gul at io n A ut h o rit y and re gul at e d by t h e F inanc ialC o nduc tA ut h o rit y and by t h e P rude nt ialR e gul at io nA ut h o rit y.Ame mbe ro ft h e A sso c iat io no fBrit ishI nsure rs. F o r se c urit y and t raining purpo se s,t e l e ph o ne c al l s may be re c o rde d and mo nit o re d. Mark didn’t join the farm straight away as he was originally destined to become a professional cricketer but alas, injury sadly curtailed that ambition. Mark was then more than happy to join his father full time on the farm and also successfully studied Agriculture at Bishop Burton College for two years to complement his list of skills. Mark really loves to be on the farm working and such is his dedication he plans his holidays around the harvest - and it is not unknown for him to be back in a tractor less than an hour after landing back! Since taking on the HLS scheme five years ago, Mark and John have really enhanced the wildlife on the land which today is a perfect synergy of Mark’s effort and John’s knowledge. Putting up 30 bird boxes, an Otter halt, scrapes S & R BURDEN Agricultural Contractors Email: [email protected] Phone: 07885243372 Office: 01709 851282 ALL TYPES OF CONTRACTING AVAILABLE HAY, HAYLAGE AND STRAW BALES AVAILABLE FOR SALE AND DELIVERY 40 Aug/Sep 2015 for wild birds such as waders and lapwings is hard work but rewarding. Grass margins are great habitats for the partridges and pheasants - . They have also created ponds, wild bird seed plots, pollen and nectar plots and hedge planting the list is almost endless . Mark keenly manages this now running shoots every two weeks during the season. This year he has bought some 800 birds. The place really teams with wildlife, a fact about which Mark is understandably proud. He recently put an owl box up as he admits he would really love to see barn owls again. The stables that came into view as I first approached the farm represent the third side of the business , completing the diverse mix of interests. This farm is no stranger to horses as many years ago