The Farmers Mart Aug/Sep 2015 - Issue 41 | Page 22

McIntyre Meats Shackelton Rodgers Ltd Approachable accountants with offices in Yarm High Street • Accounting and accounts preparation • Business planning • Full taxation service • Computerized accountancy systems We provide a complete range of accountancy, payroll, & taxation services for people privately, partnerships and companies, in Teesside, Cleveland, Durham & North Yorkshire Proud to be accountants for McIntyre Meats Our friendly people are available to assist with queries and to provide advice, guidance, & support on any accounting issues you may have. Please call us; we are here to help. Phone: 01642 785 161 | Email: [email protected] | Millennium House, 49a High Street, Yarm, TS15 9BH SK I P T O N NF UO F F I C E I SP R O U DT OBE A SSO C I A T E DWI T H M C I NT Y R EM E A T S T ak ing t h e t ime t oo f f e r yo u at t e nt iv e ,pe rso nal , l o c alse rv ic e f o r yo ur insuranc e ,pe nsio ns and inv e st me nt s. C al l0 1 7 5 67 935 1 6f o r a quo te o r po p in NF UM ut ualBranc h ,Sk ipt o nA uc t io nM art , Gargrav e R o ad,Sk ipt o n,No rt hY o rk sh ireBD 23 1 U D O ur age nt s are appo int e d re pre se nt at iv e sf o r ge ne ralinsuranc e pro duc t s and int ro duc e r appo int e d re pre se nt at iv e sf o rl if e ,pe nsio ns and inv e st me nt so fNF U M ut ual .O ur st af fint ro duc e t oNF UM ut ualf o rl if e ,pe nsio ns and inv e st me nt s.NF UM ut ualis T h e Nat io nalF arme rs U nio nM ut ualI nsuranc e So c ie t yL imit e d ( No .1 1 1 982) .R e gist e re d in E ngl and.R e gist e re dO f f ic e :T iddingt o nR o ad,St rat f o rd upo nA v o n,Warw ic k sh ire C V 377 BJ .A ut h o rise d by t h e P rude nt ialR e gul at io n A ut h o rit y and re gul at e d by t h e F inanc ialC o nduc tA ut h o rit y and by t h e P rude nt ialR e gul at io nA ut h o rit y.Ame mbe ro ft h e A sso c iat io no fBrit ishI nsure rs. F o r se c urit y and t raining purpo se s,t e l e ph o ne c al l s may be re c o rde d and mo nit o re d. R A Thompson Haulage Ltd Call us on 07979 533373 R A Thompson Haulage Ltd are pleased to be working with McIntyre Meats & wish them continued success 22 Aug/Sep 2015 “When skins were attracting a price of just 20p I looked into getting them cured away at the tannery and back here for sale. We started with farmers’ markets but just haven’t the time to do that now. Reeth Show and internet sales are working well and customers can also have them as doubles or quad rugs. We also make the leather into purses. It’s another little side to our overall business.” Martin comes from Northallerton but when he left school, his first port of call was Campbelltown in Scotland where he worked as a trawlerman. It was a wild life as he recalls. “When I left school I had zero qualifications and if I’d stayed there 50 years it would have been the sam!” he laughed. “I had some family up in Scotland and that’s how I ended up there. I loved it but staying would have killed me with the amount I drank through the crazy money I earned for someone my age! “Once I’d come back here, I joined Harris Bacon at Leeming Bar and took to butchery straight away. I then moved on to what was North Riding Lamb at Busby Stoop and from there to a big slaughterhouse in Malton before coming over to Wensleydale to work for butcher John Cockett in Hawes. It was with John that I polished up my butchering skills.” The past 14 years have at times been a real rollercoaster for Martin and Lindsey but they keep smiling and have a business that appears secure. “We’ve been to hell and back a few times,” Lindsey admits. “It has been a sharp learning curve. I was working at an old people’s home when we started. I’ve found that I’ve had to toughen up a lot. Dealing with much larger companies sounds great but isn’t all just plain sailing - as accreditations with such as the British Retail Consortium, which is required when dealing with the likes of Sainsbury’s, costs us a great deal of money - as well as a phenomenal amount of paperwork. “Sometimes, even now, people probably think I go shopping a lot and sit here painting my nails all day. That’s definitely not the case! We’re on a wheel that sometimes I think we can’t get off, but I don’t think I could ever go back to a normal job.” Martin and Lindsey have two teenage daughters – Toni and Shannon. www.thewensleydalebutcher.