The Farmers Mart Aug/Sep 2013 - Issue 29 | Page 38

YOUNG FARMERS CUMBRIA SHOWS HOW IT’S DONE! Cumbria came out top of the counties at the 2013 NFYFC Dairy Stockjudging Finals at the Great Yorkshire Show after winning four awards, two of them first places. When it came to teamwork, Cumbria’s two teams were both in the top three. Cumbria A’s team stock judging skills were deemed to be the best in the competition, while Cumbria B’s team were in third place behind Lancashire A. Robert Lawrence from Cumbria also won the Intermediate Dairy Stockjudging trophy and Daniel Bargh came second in the Senior Category. Robert’s brother Michael was in the winning Cumbria A team. He said: “We won the team trophy three years ago and it felt good to win again. I’ve been stockjudging for six or seven years. My brothers and I work on a dairy farm all day so I think you definitely get better with practise.” Blue skies and sunshine made a perfect backdrop for this year’s Dairy Stockjudging competition. And The winners were: Team results 1st place: Cumbria A 2nd place: Lancashire A 3rd place: Cumbria B Senior Category 1st place: Jennifer Booth, Yorkshire 2nd place: Daniel Bargh, Cumbria 3rd place: James Pratt, Yorkshire Intermediate Category 1st place: Robert Lawrence, Cumbria 2nd place: Steven Harris, Cornwall 3rd place: Rhys Jones, Carmarthenshire, Lauren Meredith, Herefordshire, Shannon Belfield, Staffordshire Junior Category 1st place: Megan Beecroft, Yorkshire 2nd place: Chlow Harris, Herefordshire 3rd place: James Hodgkinson, Derbyshire it seems the sun was also shining on Yorkshire, who walked away with two first prizes in the Junior and Senior categories. Jennifer Booth came first in the Seniors and Megan Beecroft was the best in the Juniors. The aim of the annual competition is to give members the opportunity to put their training to the test by judging high quality livestock and to present their findings to industry experts. Members also have the opportunity for feedback and advice from the experts. For the full results and pictures visit the NFYFC Facebook Page. GET TRAVELLING IN 2014 WITH NFYFC! NFYFC has teamed up with travel company, Outgoing to organise three more fantastic trips, exclusively for YFC members, including the 2014 YFC ski trip. The trips are organised especially for Young Farmers and kick-off in November as part of NFYFC’s travel programme, Discovery. YFC members can also apply to be regional reps, working with Outgoing to promote the trips in return for free prizes, money off trips or even a free holiday. The YFC Ski trip 2014 takes members to Alpe d’Huez, the fifth largest ski area in France with 250km of pistes and home to the longest black run in Europe. The trip costs just £399 per person including travel, six nights’ accommodation and lift passes. The trip to Hannover takes place in November and includes a visit to the world’s leading international exhibition for agricultural machinery and equipment – Agritechnica. The trip costs just £199 including travel, two nights’ accommodation, a walking tour of Hannover and a day trip to Agritechnica. A trip to Amsterdam will also be running in April 2014, details are still being finalised but will be released soon. 38 Aug/Sep 2013 FarmersMart To read more, visit