The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 5

FARM NEWS 5 • APR/MAY 2019 £6m allocated to vets to contain cattle disease Nearly £6 million in funding has been allocated to vets in England as part of a campaign to tackle a highly contagious cattle disease. THE £5.7 million Stamp It Out initiative was ‘ To have allocated launched by the Department for Environ- all of the money ment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) last only six months into summer in a bid to eradicate Bovine Vial Diarrhoea (BVD). delivery is fantastic Within six months the project – which is be- ing delivered by SAC Consulting, part of Scot- their vet’s time to investigate the disease both land’s Rural College (SRUC) – has recruited 120 on a one-to-one basis or through a series of veterinary practices across England to offer cluster meetings with like-minded keepers. the programme to farmers on the ground. They can also access £61.80 for preliminary “To have allocated all of the money only testing work, and up to £440 where there is six months into delivery is fantastic,” said evidence of persistently infected animals. Neil Carter of SAC Consulting. Vets who have signed up to the scheme “It shows that the industry has a real have made a commitment to engage 8,000 desire to control and eradicate the disease farmers in active BVD control by 2020 – from our national herd.” with 3,000 signed up so far. BVD costs UK farmers an estimated £61 A further 2,000 farmers have asked to join million a year in lost performance. Under the BVDFree England initiative, an industry-led the Stamp It Out scheme, funded by the scheme which will take the momentum gen- Rural Development Programme for England erated by Stamp It Out and continue with the (RDPE), farmers can access up to £530 of ambition to eradicate BVD in England. 69945 - BelmontRegencyLtd - HALF.pdf 1 04/04/2018 14:29:21 ’ Northern acres in demand as farmland remains in short supply LAST year brought a -13 per cent decrease in the amount of farmland marketed in the North of England compared to 2017. According to the latest Farmland Market Spotlight from Savills, 21,400 acres were marketed in the region during 2018, against 24,700 acres the year before. This account- ed for 16 per cent of supply in England where there was an overall rise of 31 per cent, an unusual increase partly down to two particularly large farmland sales which had a substantial effect due to the overall low volume marketed across the UK. The North was the only region to see a fall, resulting in few opportunities for buy- ers and those seeking to expand. As a re- sult, demand remained strong for most land types with neighbours in particular seizing the increasingly rare chance to buy. ‘ the North was the only region to see a fall ’ During 2018 the average value of prime ar- able land in the North of England remained stable at £9,800 per acre, compared with a decrease across Great Britain of -2% to average £8,760 per acre. The average value of grade 3 livestock land in the North also remained stable at £4,800 per acre. FARM Sample Comprehensive Premiums from: Pickups, vans and lorries can be added to fleet policies If you want us to search for the most competitive rates, contact us for a quotation – Hundreds of Farmers have benefited from savings. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Value: £7,000 On Fleet: £122.52 Value: £15,000 On Fleet: £231.18 Trailers and implements included cover @BelmontRegency from: £175.00 Comprehensive FINANCIAL ADVICE Our advisers can provide advice on all the services shown below Leek Farmer reduced premiums from £1,357 to £941 Chester Farmer reduced premiums from £5,100 to £3,812 Address: Victoria House, 24-28 St Peter’s Churchyard, Derby, Derbyshire DE1 1NN ::   MOTOR : : TRACTORS THE FARMER’S INSURANCE BROKER SINCE 1982 T H E FA R M E R ’ S I N S U R A N C E B R O K E R Since 1982 t: (01332) 362367 e: [email protected] Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority @BelmontRegency