The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 18
APR/MAY 2019 •
Flytipping is ‘tightening the financial squeeze’
on farmers, says agricultural expert, as
latest dumped waste figures revealed
MORE than 3,000 agricultural flytipping incidents were reported to England’s councils
last year – but a farming expert warns that this is just the “tip of the iceberg”.
A total of 3,274 flytipping incidents were
reported on agricultural land last year, ac-
cording to the latest flytipping stats from
Department for the Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
But Will Kendrick, of Farmers and Mercan-
tile Insurance Brokers (FMIB), said that true
scale of flytipping on England’s farmland is
not reflected in the figures, as the DEFRA
statistics excludes the majority of pri-
vate-land incidents.
Farmers who fall prey to this crime are
having to shoulder the burden, responsible
for meeting the cost of clearing rubbish
from their land themselves – at an average
cost of £1,000 per incident. They are also
liable if the dumped rubbish damages the
Kendrick said: “Flytipping is a blight on
our countryside, but dumped waste is not
only visually impactful and a nuisance – it
can be a source of pollution and cause
harm to humans, animals and the environ-
“This year’s DEFRA figures show that it is
not only everyday household waste that
gets dumped by flytippers – thousands of
incidents involve asbestos, clinical waste
and chemical and fuel waste.
“So, farmers are not only have to fork out
for clean-up costs but also have to worry
about the danger it poses to themselves,
their workers, their animals and their land.
“These flytippers, both thoughtless
individuals and unscrupulous ‘waste busi-
nesses’, don’t care that their irresponsible
actions could lead to farmers being prose-
cuted under the Environmental Protection
Act 1990.
“Innocent farmers have the choice of
footing the clean-up bill or facing significant
fines for not dealing with someone else’s
Kendrick stressed the importance of hav-
ing sufficient protection for farming busi-
nesses, particularly in the case of repeat
offences. Many combined farm insurance
policies cover the cost of flytipping – gener-
ally around £5,000 per incident and capped
at £15,000.
“In our experience, there is a reluctant
acceptance by farmers that flytipping it
is part of their everyday lives, and they
quietly deal with incidents, without making
a claim,” he added.
“But if farmers are unfortunate enough
to have a flytipping ‘hotspot’ on their land,
costs soon tot up and their business could
be put in jeopardy.
“Incomes in the farming sector are
forecast to drop this year, due largely to the
volatile weather, including last summer’s
drought. Flytipping only tightens this finan-
cial squeeze.”
Kendrick outlined a number of ways in
which farmers can help protect themselves
against flytippers.
“Be vigilant, communicate with neigh-
bours and report suspicious vehicles to the
authorities,” he said.
“Consult with your insurance broker to
see what cover is afforded to you in the
event of an incident.
“Deter would-be flytippers by ensuring
that fields, particularly those which are
roadside, are gated and locked where
“If you fall victim to a flytipping inci-
dent, be cautious, as the waste could be
hazardous. Record as much detail
as possible, take photos and
report the incident to your
local council.
“If the problem persists,
consider setting up security
lights and a camera. This
will help provide crucial
evidence should the council
decide to investigate.
“Finally, and most impor-
tantly, make sure that any rubbish dumped
on your land is disposed of properly and, if
required, use a reputable, registered waste
company to help with disposal. By failing
to remove the waste or moving it on to
public land, you will leave yourself open to
prosecution and could face fines of tens of
thousands of pounds.”
To find out more about Farmers and Mercantile
Insurance Brokers or obtain further information
about farm insurance, visit
or call 01604 782 782.
FMIB Will Kendrick
‘ If you fall victim to a
flytipping incident, be
cautious, as the waste
could be hazardous.
Record as much detail
as possible, take photos
and report the incident
to your local council