The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 12
APR/MAY 2019 •
WHATEVER the type– e.g. crops
or animal-based – farming is often
a high energy business. Ensuring
that livestock are tended to, main-
taining the temperature of crop
stores, tractor use – all consume
considerable energy, and are often
common tasks for those trying to
make a living from the industry.
At no point in the year is this
more prevalent than during the
autumn and winter months, when
harsh conditions make it more diffi-
cult for farmers to harvest, package
and distribute produce. Add this
to the challenges that come with
heating rural, remote and off-grid
agricultural locations (traditionally
served by inefficient fuels like oil),
and a farm’s energy supply can
become quite problematic.
For farmers looking for a greener,
cheaper and more effective off-
grid fuel solution that’s reliable
even in colder seasons, LPG (liq-
uefied petroleum gas) could be an
alternative. LPG has increasingly
become a go-to for farmers looking
to meet ongoing heating or opera-
tional needs without compromis-
ing on outputs and the quality of
their end product – or becoming
dependent on an expensive alter-
native fuel.
When you need off-
grid energy – is LPG
Available in gas bottle, cylinder,
and bulk form, LPG provides an
alternative to oil and solid fuels for
off-grid agricultural use. It can be
used for heating or transport in all
types of farming processes and
delivers a range of operational
and environmental benefits. From
dairy processing and poultry
rearing right though to maintaining
the perfect temperature for crop
drying (or even propane enrich-
ment of biomethane in anaerobic
digestion plants), farmers have
turned to LPG for its cleaner, more
cost-effective and easily-control-
lable capabilities.
For farmers looking to under-
stand the benefits of LPG, here is
advice on how gas can become an
essential part of efficient farming
in the winter months:
1. Livestock farming
Whether it be barn ventilation,
lights, supplying food and water
or manure handling, poultry culti-
vation requires a huge amount of
energy. For birds and livestock, a
constant heat supply is crucial to
their survival – especially during
colder seasons.
By choosing LPG,
farmers and animals
can benefit from:
• An efficient and cleaner-burn-
ing fuel, LPG reduces the
risk of contamination within
livestock (through feeds and
litter) – ensuring that animals
are kept as safe as possible.
• The moisture produced by
LPG heating is the perfect
level to promote speedy
feathering and weight gain
amongst poultry.
• Choosing an LPG supplier with
a national supply network
means deliveries can be
made quickly and efficiently,
keeping birds warm all-year
2. The use of LPG for
heating plants
Maintaining constant temper-
atures for commercially grown
plants and flowers is crucial to se-
curing profits. When temperatures
begin to drop, plants are naturally
at greater risk of being damaged
by frost, so it’s important to have
the right heating system in place.
LPG, as opposed to other off-
grid options like oil, allows plant
growers to benefit from a clean-
er burning fuel, ensuring crops
remain free from contamination.
Depending on the size of the op-
eration, with LPG, farmers can also
choose between gas cylinders
(which can easily be handled and
lifted) and LPG gas tanks (which
can be topped up automatically),
meaning an energy system that
delivers a constant heat supply for
3. Using LPG when
drying crops
When it comes to drying crops
and grains, an LPG system can
be a huge commodity to farm-
ers looking to dry their produce
quickly. As a highly controllable
source of fuel, LPG makes for a
more precise drying process,
allowing farmers to maintain
ideal levels of moisture without
over-drying. The result is quick-
er drying all round, whilst also
enabling farmers to preserve the
quality of their crops and ensure
that the final product meets mar-
ket specification.
Additionally, with LPG grain
drying technology, there’s the
potential to recycle heated air,
providing an even more efficient
way to dry grain, without increas-
ing fuel consumption.
4. Considering
environmental factors
For farmers looking for greener
ways of working, LPG can offer
environmental benefits. It’s a low-
er-carbon alternative to conven-
tional fossil fuels, cutting carbon
emissions by approximately 15 %
compared to heating oil (and 33%
compared to coal). It also doesn’t
produce black carbon – which
is a major contributor to climate
As a transport fuel for tractors or
other farming machinery, it’s also
estimated that LPG (or propane)
produces up to 24% fewer green-
house gas emissions than gasoline,
and 11% fewer emissions than diesel
engines. Not only that, but the risk to
the local environment is also kept to
a minimum, as propane is non-toxic
– providing a cleaner, greener, and
cost-effective fuel solution for all
kinds of farming uses.
ness-lpg-farming#lpg-supply-options-41; Gas for Off-grid Britain’ Report, UKLPG;