The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2018 - Issue 56 | Page 55

• APR / MAY 2018


Promar ’ s December 2017 Milkminder herds report indicates that total milk output has grown by 31 % from £ 383,883 in the 12 months to December 2016 , to £ 503,379 in the 12 months to December 2017 .
NIGEL Davies , National Consultancy Manager at Promar , highlights the key factors that have driven this growth , during a period in which costs increased due to a rise in wider inflation rates to over 3 %, back to levels not seen since April 2012 .
“ Not surprisingly in 2017 , almost 23.5 % of this increased output is attributed to higher milk price , an external factor which farmers have relatively little control over ,” he says .
“ However , the key thing to note is that the remaining 7.5 % has been driven by progressive herds driving up their returns by increasing yield per cow , and keeping six more cows on average .
“ In other words , this added output has come from internal management actions , as these businesses prepare for future increases in inflation .”
Given that there will always be inflation to beat , Nigel recommends that like the progressive herds in the Milkminder average

‘ Not surprisingly in 2017 , almost

23.5 % of this increased output is attributed to higher milk price ’

sample , and with consultant input if needed , producers continually focus on clear , defined targets for improving production .

Principles for eating meat and dairy more sustainably

Dairy UK has said the environmental and nutritional contribution of the dairy sector has been wilfully misrepresented following the publication of a report urging reduced consumption of dairy products .
COMMENTING on the publication of Eating Better ’ s ‘ Principles for eating meat and dairy more sustainably ’, Dr Judith Bryans , Chief Executive of Dairy UK said : “ We totally reject any assertion that dairy products are not environmentally
sustainable . The dairy sector helps to feed the UK with efficient , predominantly grass-based milk production , high animal welfare standards , safe and nutritious foods .”
“ We contribute to food security , look after the land , provide livelihoods and contribute
greatly to the national economy . Consumers can keep dairy in their diets in the full knowledge that we take our environmental credentials very seriously as we strive to provide them with the tasty nutritious foods they know and love .”
“ This report too often
criticises UK dairy from a global perspective and cherry picks statistics which paint a false picture of the UK industry . Advising consumers to cut their dairy intake is wrong and unhelpful in helping the nation meet its nutritional requirements . The authors are also behind
the times on global dairy , which is making strides forward on the environmental front and has even signed a Declaration with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation .
“ Despite the fact that we have a lot to talk about by way of our existing environmental
credentials , the UK dairy industry is committed to improving its environmental performance through the Dairy Roadmap , setting challenging targets for reducing the sector ’ s environmental footprint .”
www . dairyUK . org