The Face of the Forbidden Oct. 2013 | Page 7

More Attempts at the Extermination of the Afghan Women

"Now in its fourth year of existence, the pariah regime has expunged all leisure activities. Their list of what is illegal grows daily: music, movies and television, picnics, wedding parties, New Year celebrations, any kind of mixed-sex gathering. They've also banned children's toys, including dolls and kites; card and board games; cameras; photographs and paintings of people and animals; pet parakeets; cigarettes and alcohol; magazines and newspapers, and most books. They've even forbidden applause -- a moot point, since there's nothing left to applaud.

For women, the restrictions are even harsher. Female education, from kindergartnen through graduate school, banned. Employmen for women, banned. It's now illegal to wear makeup, nail polish, jewelry, pluck your eyebrows, ct our hair short, wear colorful or stylish clothes, sheer stockings, white socks and shoes, high-heel shoes, walk loudly, talk loudly or laugh in public. In fact, the government doesn't believe women should go out at all: "Women, you should not step outside your residence" reads one of the Taliban dictates."