The Face of the Forbidden Oct. 2013 | Page 5

The Attemps at the Extermination of the Afghan Women

"If women do venture out, it must be for an essential government-sanctioned purpose, andthey must wear the all enveloping burqa. Even then they risk their lives. Not so long ago, a young mother, Torpeka, was shot repeatedly by the Taliban while rushing her seriously ill toddler to a doctor. Veiled as the law requires, she was spotted by a teenage Taliban guard, who tried to stop her because she shouldn't have left her home. Afraid her child might die if she were delayed, Torpeka kept going.

The guard aimed his Kalashnikov machine-gun and fired several rounds directly at her. Shewas hit, but didn't die on the spot as she could have. Instead, Afghans watching the incident in the crowded marketplace intervened, and Torpeka and her child recieved prompt medical attention. When her family later complained to the Taliban authorities, they were informed that it was the injured woman's fault. She had no right being out in the public in the first place."