The protagonist of this movie is Jim Stark who is arrested and taken to the juvenile division of the police station for "plain drunkenness". When parents went to the police station, and spoke with the police officer, Ray Fremick, he said that he understood the reasons of the behavior of the boy. Jim meet a girl, judy, who live near him. The girl told him that she take part in a small band with Buzz (the boss) and Plato.After that the band stopped jim in front of the school, Buzz invited him t take part in a courage test which name is :chicken-run. It's about to launch at a high speed on board a car and throw it out before this rainfall over the sea. Jim decided to take part despite his father didn't agree. The test ended tragically for Buzz who died. After the event Jim Judy and Plato decided to go in a abandoned house where usually Plato go to stay alone .
and the two(Jim and Judy) , as well as collect the confidences, discover that they are in love. Crunch, Goon and Gene, the three friends of Buzz, come to the villa where they try to attack Plato, she found him asleep, but he, armed with a pistol, wounding Crunch and shooting at a police officer in the meantime overtaken.
Movie review