In Kaduna state, the government is
actively seeking partnerships to truly
transform the agriculture sector into a
high investment agribusiness-driven
economy. Considering that Kaduna
state is one leading states in terms of
agricultural produce – the state is the
highest producers of tomato and ginger
and also a major producer of sorghum,
Soybeans and Rice – in Nigeria, this
makes sense;
Akwa Ibom state is finishing up on the
construction of a coconut refinery to
complement the coconut plantation
established there in 2017; other states
are looking at different options for
increasing the share of agribusiness in
11 The Export Brief | MAY 2018 | IEOM-NG.ORG
their local economy and this is saying
nothing of agribusiness investments in
Lagos state.
But the government cannot cover the
full spectrum of agribusiness
investments needed to spur the sector.
Agribusiness is so diverse and huge and
government needs to focus on creating
the right policies, infrastructure – e.g.
building roads, rails and ports that link
farms to storage facilities and
distribution outlets; building a viable
logistics sector and support training for
people looking to take these