The Explorer Winter 2018 Explorer Winter 2018 | Page 8

HOW TO HAVE BETTER COLLECTIONS IN THE DENTAL PRACTICE ® By CDA Practice Support Reprinted with permission from California Dental Association include any important financial updates for patients scheduled that day. 3. SEND STATEMENTS CONSISTENTLY. The goal for most practice owners is to send out as few billing statements as possible. This goal correlates with setting strong payment policies and adhering to those rules. However, when a patient is unable to pay at the time of service, despite the practice's efforts to communicate the payment policies, the practice should be prepared with an alternative method. When the practice has extended credit and patients carry a balance, statements should be sent consistently in order to maintain financial arrangements and regular payments. Keep balances top of mind. It's very easy for patients to "forget." Stay on top of balances and make regular follow-up calls for those balances that begin to lag. 4. KNOW THE NUMBERS. But before it gets to this point, there are steps dental practices can take to improve their collections process. Here are five tips for better collections. Run reports regularly and check for billing and claims errors. If the staff does not know the capacity of the practice's software system, training should be set up. 1. NO SURPRISES. 5. REVIEW. Patients should be informed and have a clear understanding of the practice's financial policies from the beginning of the relationship with the office. At the onset of treatment, the practice should obtain a signed financial agreement (in addition to a signed informed consent form) that states what the patient's responsibilities are and when payment is expected. The practice should make sure to follow through as well. Practice financial protocols should be reviewed annually. Dentists should consider scheduling an annual staff meeting to review the practice owner's expectations and systems and identify bad habits. Retrain and role play if necessary to improve communication and confidence when discussing finances with patients. 2. UTILIZE A TEAM APPROACH. Co-payments should be confirmed when appointment confirmation calls are made. The morning huddle should CDA recommends that dentists conduct research and understand the following laws pertaining to dentists who engage in debt collection activities on their own behalf: • Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act • California Robbins-Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act • Civil Code Section 1788-1788.3 • Civil Code Section 1788.10-1788.18 • Civil Code Section 1788.20-1788.22 • Civil Code Section 1788.30-1788.33 䡲 Los Angeles Dental Society Explorer