The Explorer Winter 2018 Explorer_Fall_2018 | Page 11

LADS Continuing Education Course Oct. 16, 2018 | Maggiano’s 6 - 9pm 3 CEU LADS Experts Present... Future of Healthcare - Harold Slavkin, DDS As we consider the future of American healthcare, three critical drivers must be considered: 1. Cost - The rate of increased costs and the amount of costs are not sustainable 2. Access - An array of issues primarily driven by poverty and limited education translate into more than 20% of the US population with limited or no access to oral healthcare 3. Quality - The US spends more than any other industrial nation in the world, yet ranks ninth in health outcomes (out of a list of nine nations) One “future for healthcare” is to invest and prepare for high-definition, precision healthcare – the right diagnosis at the right time with the right therapy generating a specific set of health outcomes at a reasonable cost. Precision healthcare describes the confluence of data from genomics, phenomics, epigenomics, phartmacogenomics, health history, environmental and behavioral scans, diet, and exercise. This presentation provides the highlights for this transformation. NARCAN Opioid Reversal: Who? When? Where? Why? and How? - Laura Matsunaga, DDS How to use Narcan to prevent patient intra-op and post-op tragedy from opioid overdose. Send the patient home with Narcan doses to be used in case of emergency. Without an “at home” post-op emergency, the Narcan can be returned at follow up appointment unused and available for the next at risk patient. How to ID at risk patients. Consider altering what medication you prescribe and severely limit the quantity of post-op pain meds. CBCT in Everyday Orthodontics - Mark K. Batesole, DDS, MS The importance of CBCT imaging for impacted cuspids is a no-brainer, but are there other uses for the technology in everyday orthodontics? What about radiation dosage and liability? Since 2005 Dr Batesole has been using CBCT imaging exclusively for his orthodontic diagnostic process. He’ll be discussing what he’s learned a long the way in the journey from two dimensional to three dimensional thinking. You’ll walk away with a different understanding of initial diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and orthodontic finishing. New ADA Policy Statement for Dentists; Role for the Recognizing and the Treatment of Sleep-related Breathing Disorders - Leonard Feld, DDS A dentist commits malpractice when he/she fails to conform to usual and customary practice and protocols that are considered the standard of care. It is the responsibility of the dental provider to inform the patient of treatment and/or non-treatment of their findings. The act of omission may constitute malpractice. To register or obtain more information about any course, please call the LADS office or visit the LADS website. Los Angeles Dental Society Explorer