“The last time I won something was at my 7-year-old birthday party…
This is just the most phenomenal thing that has ever happened to me.
In a week when my car was side swiped and my landlord decided my lease
renewal should have a big rent increase, it was incredibly terrific to get your
call informing me that I won the TDSC invoice lottery and had my 2019 tripar-
tite dues paid by LADS. Shopping at TDSC has been really easy. The phone
support is great and I have found almost everything I want to order. Prices
are consistently lower than I had paid to the big supply companies in the
previous year. It is by far my favorite benefit of CDA membership. Thank you
for having this contest!”
—Dr. Robert Jelicich, Winner of LADS’ Free ADA Membership Drawing
“Wow, thank you so much! I did not know you would do
all this for me. This means so much to me. Really! I did not
expect all of this to be taken care of so quickly. You have
been such a tremendous help. Thank you, thank you,
thank you and thank you.”
Marvin Waldman, DDS, 11/21/18, after receiving assis-
tance for dues invoicing and retirement application
Los Angeles Dental Society Explorer