The Explorer Magazine Winter Spring 2025 | Page 20

HELP US SAVE TREES ! We love trees for awesome stuff like sugar maple sap , oxygen , shade , habitat , beautiful autumn colors , and much more . We don ’ t want to use any more trees than necessary for paper , so please help us save trees !

The original 140 acres of W . S . Gibbs Memorial Park was purchased by the Hendricks County Parks Board from Chub and Lydia Gibbs in 2009 , and both were in attendance at the park ’ s Grand Opening on July 21 , 2021 .

W . S . Gibbs was Chub ’ s great-grandfather .
The park is now 160 acres in size after the purchase of 20 acres from the John “ Chub ” & Lydia Gibbs estate
Sadly , Lydia passed away in August of 2023 , and Chub joined her in the afterlife in July of 2024 .
The Hendricks County Parks Board was provided the opportunity by the Gibbs estate to purchase the 20-acre Gibbs homestead that adjoins the park , and they did so in October of 2024 . Officially , W . S .
Gibbs Memorial Park is now 160 acres in size .
What will be done with the additional 20 acres – which includes a residence , two barns , and a silo – remains to be determined by the Park Board and Hendricks County elected officials , but we are honored to be able to keep the Gibbs name associated with all 160 acres of the property for the rest of time .
Photo by Brad Poreda
I N D I A N A L Y O N S . C O M
2 0 2 4 - 2 5 S E A S O N O C T O B E R T O M A R C H

HELP US SAVE TREES ! We love trees for awesome stuff like sugar maple sap , oxygen , shade , habitat , beautiful autumn colors , and much more . We don ’ t want to use any more trees than necessary for paper , so please help us save trees !

If you do not wish to receive The Explorer by mail anymore ( or if you need to update your address with us ), please email us at hcparks @ hcparks . net or give us a call at ( 317 ) 718-6188 and we ’ ll make the necessary edits to our distribution list . The fewer unwanted issues that we produce , the better it is for our beloved trees ! Thank you !
Did you know that The Explorer is available online at www . HendricksCountyParks . org ?
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