HELP US SAVE TREES ! We love trees for awesome stuff like sugar maple sap , oxygen , shade , habitat , beautiful autumn colors , and much more . We don ’ t want to use any more trees than necessary for paper , so please help us save trees !
Hi , I ’ m Alex Weidman and I am the new Part-time Assistant Naturalist for Hendricks County Parks and Recreation . While I currently live in Hendricks County , I ’ m actually from New Albany , which is in southeastern Indiana . I graduated from Purdue University in May of 2023 , where I studied Natural Resources and Environmental Science . In my free time , I enjoy reading , watching movies , thrifting , and playing violin . I ’ ve had a fascination for nature since I was a kid . My favorite outdoor activity is creek walking ; there ’ s always so many things to find in the water ! I absolutely love being outdoors and can ’ t wait to be involved in all the great activities we ’ re preparing . I am especially looking forward to our big fall events , such as the Fall Colors Festival . Being a naturalist is my dream job , so thank you for welcoming me into your Hendricks County Parks !
I N D I A N A L Y O N S . C O M
2 0 2 4 - 2 5 S E A S O N O C T O B E R T O M A R C H
HELP US SAVE TREES ! We love trees for awesome stuff like sugar maple sap , oxygen , shade , habitat , beautiful autumn colors , and much more . We don ’ t want to use any more trees than necessary for paper , so please help us save trees !
If you do not wish to receive The Explorer by mail anymore ( or if you need to update your address with us ), please email us at hcparks @ hcparks . net or give us a call at ( 317 ) 718-6188 and we ’ ll make the necessary edits to our distribution list . The fewer unwanted issues that we produce , the better it is for our beloved trees ! Thank you !
Did you know that The Explorer is available online at www . HendricksCountyParks . org ?
Fall 2024 • 5