The Exotic Life Fall 2013 | Page 6

Growing up in New York City, the Fall, was always a beautiful experience. My family lived in a tiny apartment in Riverdale (a suburb of the Bronx just North of Manhattan) across the street from one of the most beautiful parks, Van Courtland. Outside our window explosions of red and orange painted the skyline as the weather slowly reminded us cold winter days were approaching. With all that was going on outside, in our home, green was the color of choice.

My mother loved the color green and loathed the cold weather. She was the stubborn-type and instead of settling into the new season she would pack us all into the car and drive upstate to a local garden shop in hopes of attaining the last of their summer stock.






I remember those long Saturdays as if they were yesterday. She would spend hours meticulously picking just the right plants to decorate our home with. Ferns, Philodendrons, Mother-in-Laws, and Jade's s were staples of decor in our place. My mother always said that the best way to chose an indoor plant was to watch the direction the stem reched for the heavens. Though that sounded great as a child the older I became I realized there had to be scientific means to the whole process. This video describes what to look for when purchasing your first indoor plant as well as a general tutorial on watering and lighting requirements. Enjoy!