The EVOLUTION Magazine September 2024 | Page 32

Feature Story

Honey Green

Where 2,800 Outdoor Cannabis “ Trees ” Near Harvest

Editorial and Photography by Clayton Stallings

Summer has flown by , and the September Harvest Moon on the 17th is on the horizon . It ’ s hard to believe that we are already approaching outdoor harvest season . However , it ’ s almost even more challenging to believe that we have licensed Missouri cultivators who have taken on the daunting task of growing cannabis outdoors in Missouri ’ s unpredictable and often volatile weather conditions .

Before this harvest season , I had the opportunity to tour Honey Green ’ s licensed indoor / outdoor cultivation and manufacturing facility in Joplin , MO . This facility currently holds the largest outdoor cultivation in the state , with 5.5 acres filled with 2,800 flowering plants , the maximum amount allowed by the state for an outdoor grow .
Almost more impressive than seeing a successful outdoor cultivation of this magnitude in our state is the story of the employees and leadership behind pulling off such a feat and the challenges they have persevered along the way .
Braden Sims , sales operations manager for Honey Green .
Upon pulling up to the giant log cabin at the front of Honey Green ’ s facility , once a furniture display store that now houses its offices , I was greeted by long-time employee Braden Sims , sales operations manager . Sims originally started his cannabis career working for the same facility well before plants were introduced during the pre-commencement and buildout phase . After over a year and a half of pursuing work with the original owner ’ s sister facility in Arkansas , he worked his way up the ladder , learning the ins and outs of multiple roles throughout the facility . Even more impressive is how
Sims is joined by a surprisingly high number of co-workers in their second or third year working at the facility –– all while the ownership of the licenses is now on its third ownership / leadership group . Agent employees are typically lucky to retain their jobs through a single ownership change , but making it twice speaks volumes to the value and dedication these long-term employees bring to the business .
Another difficult part of their journey was during the first couple of years . Many of the employees seemed to be starting their cannabis careers learning what didn ’ t work due to flawed SOPs ( Standard Operating Procedures ) from former leadership from afar , as well as the fickle Missouri weather . Luckily , the newest ownership group landed Mac Briggs of UA ( Undeniably Authentic ) Partners as an operations partner for Honey Green in Missouri . Briggs is lovingly known among staff as “ Uncle Mac ,” who was second to greet me at the facility . I was fortunate enough to meet Briggs towards the end of last year and hear his amazing story , which I wrote about in our February 2024 issue , diving deeper into
Mac Briggs , lovingly known among staff as “ Uncle Mac ,” inside the outdoor grow cloning greenhouse . Plants will soon fill the space .
his personal story as well as the experience he brings to the table . Briggs is the walking , living , breathing definition of cannabis culture who turns that villainous cannabis word “ consulting ” we ’ ve all heard into more of a lovable cannabis “ mentor ” with a healthy dose of positive thinking resembling a life coach approach with the cups always half full .
We quickly hit the fields , bringing the indoor team to rally around the outdoor team for a group shot . The giant field was separated into
32 September 2024