The EVOLUTION Magazine September 2024 | Page 26

Wellness ►

Do You Feng Shui ?

F ... What ?

by Tara Holm , contributing writer

Let ’ s go down the rabbit hole , shall we ? Feng Shui , sometimes called Chinese geomancy , is a traditional practice that originated in Ancient China and claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment . The term “ Feng Shui ,” according to Wikipedia means , literally , “ wind-water .”

Your environment is always around you — home , office , school , and car . When you start looking at the details and “ cleaning ” up a bit , you literally feel the calmness and peace around you . Let ’ s look at where we can use Feng Shui .
● Living Rooms : Arrange furniture to create a welcoming space with good energy flow .
● Bedroom : Position the bed where your head is facing south and not directly facing the doorway to ensure restful sleep and promote health .
● Kitchens : Organize the space to enhance nourishment and family harmony . Keep the dishes clean and put away .
● Entryways : Ensure the main entryway is clean and inviting to attract positive energy . No “ welcome ” doormats !
● Desk : Place them to encourage productivity and reduce stress .
● Common areas : Arrange these spaces to foster collaboration and positive relationships .
● Entrance : Design them to attract opportunities and success .
● Use plants , water features , and pathways to create a balanced and serene outdoor environment .
Retail Space
● Arrange merchandise and design layouts to attract customers and encourage sales .
Public Buildings
● Design spaces to promote well-being and the efficient flow of people .
● Keep trash picked up , and keep your car clean on the inside and out . Also , keep a calm environment while driving .
How you can use Feng Shui
● Furniture : Arrange furniture to ensure smooth energy flow ( Chi ). Avoid blocking pathways and ensure key pieces like beds and desks are in commanding positions .
● Colors and Elements : Incorporate the five elements ( wood , fire , earth , metal , water ) into your décor . For example , you could add plants ( wood ), candles ( fire ), crystals ( earth ), metal objects , and a small water fountain . Use colors that represent different elements to create balance — for instance , blue and black for water , green and brown for wood , red for fire , yellow and beige for earth , and white and gray for metal .
● Decluttering : Remove unnecessary items to allow for better energy circulation . Ensure clear pathways for smooth energy flow . Avoid blocking doorways and windows with furniture .
● Natural Light : Maximize natural light by using sheer curtains and keeping windows clean .
● Artificial Lighting : Use multiple light sources to create a warm and inviting atmosphere .
● Mirrors : Use mirrors to reflect positive energy and expand spaces .
Why you should use Feng Shui
● Improves Well-being : Properly arranged spaces can enhance physical and mental health .
● Enhances Prosperity : Aligning your environment with Feng Shui principles is believed to attract wealth and opportunities .
● Promotes Harmony : Balanced spaces foster better relationships and reduce conflict .
● Increases Productivity : A well-organized , and energetically balanced workspace can improve focus and efficiency .
● Encourages Rest and Relaxation : Applying Feng Shui in bedrooms and relaxation areas can lead to better sleep and reduced stress .
Feng Shui is about creating spaces that support and enhance one ’ s life by promoting a harmonious flow of energy . It can be used in any environment .
Some Feng Shui Do ’ s and Don ’ ts
● Decorate your bedroom with objects in pairs , especially if you are single .
● Place the bed so that it is easily accessible from both sides .
26 September 2024