The EVOLUTION Magazine September 2024 | Page 12

ask Leah ...

ask Leah ...

Missouri Cannabis Education


How Do I Harvest and Store My Homegrown Cannabis ?

by Leah Maurer , contributing writer
Leah Maurer , a native Missourian , is now a canna-journalist and activist living in Portland , OR . She is a co-owner of ​ www . TheWeedBlog . com , a top national cannabis news and information publication , where she serves as the Editorial Lead . In 2014 , Leah founded Moms for YES on Measure 91 through grassroots efforts alone , it proved pivotal in the passage of the Measure , successfully legalizing recreational / adult-use cannabis in the OR . Leah is a social justice and cannabis activist at the core and hopes to see an end to the prohibition of cannabis globally .

Since the passage of Amendment 3 , Missouri residents have been allowed to grow cannabis for adult use . To ensure the highest quality product , it ’ s essential to harvest and store your cannabis properly . Here are some of the best techniques for harvesting and storing homegrown cannabis in a residential location .

Before you begin , ensure you are compliant with Missouri ’ s cannabis laws , including those about eligibility , plant limit , and security . Missouri law states that adults aged 21 years and older are permitted to cultivate cannabis at their residence , and each adult can grow up to six flowering plants , six non-flowering plants ( over 14 inches tall ), and six clones ( under 14 inches tall ). The cultivation area must be enclosed , locked , and equipped with security devices to prevent unauthorized access , whether the home-grow area is indoors or outdoors .
After you have grown your cannabis and think you are ready to harvest , it is important to point out that the timing of your harvest is crucial for maximizing potency and yield . You can monitor these indicators to determine the optimal harvest time : 1 . Trichome Color : Use a magnifying glass to inspect the trichomes on the buds . Harvest when they change from clear to a milky white with some amber coloration .
2 . Pistil Color : Look for pistils ( hairs ) that have turned from white to dark orange or brown .
3 . Overall Plant Health : Ensure the plant is healthy and free of pests or diseases before harvesting .
The Harvest
Once you have determined that your plants are ready , it ’ s time to harvest . While there are different techniques for this , let ’ s look at the most straightforward and efficient ways to accomplish it with a home grow .
Regarding tools and equipment , I suggest sharp pruning shears or scissors , disposable gloves , and a clean , sanitized work area . Begin by using the shears to cut the branches containing the cannabis buds . 1 . First , cut the branches as close to the main stem ( buds ) as possible .
2 . Next , manicure the buds by trimming away large fan leaves and smaller sugar leaves . This step improves the final product ’ s appearance and reduces the risk of mold .
3 . Next , collect the trimmed cannabis flower ( buds ) and place on a drying rack or by hanging them upside down in a well-ventilated area that will allow them to dry .
4 . Lastly , label each ( harvested ) plant or set of buds to keep track of different strains . It ’ s also a good idea to add the date harvested to the label .
The Drying Stage
Proper drying is crucial for preserving the cannabinoids and terpenes in your cannabis . Ensure a dark , well-ventilated area with a temperature between 60-70 ° F and humidity levels around 50-60 %. Again , there are several drying methods , but the simplest is probably to hang the trimmed branches upside down or place buds on a drying rack . Ensure they are spaced out to allow air circulation . The drying process typically takes 7-10 days . The cannabis flower / buds are done drying when the stems snap rather than bend .
The Curing Stage
Once the drying process is complete , it is time to cure your cannabis . Many people may be unaware of this step , but proper curing further enhances the flavor , potency , and smoothness of your cannabis . It also helps prevent mold and extends shelf life .
12 September 2024