The EVOLUTION Magazine September-2023 | Page 30


Home-Growers Featured Products

This month ’ s home-grow products are featured by American Growers Supply , of Springfield , MO . With the passage of Adult Use , some Missouri dispensaries will begin , or already are , selling cannabis plant cuttings to those with a home cultivation license . You can also learn how to do your own cuts at home . Here ’ s a product to get you started , and a pest control product for those pesky critters .

Clonex Gel , 100 ml Rooting Hormones , Nutrients Some Rapid Rooters or Root Riot plugs are good since you can move the cutting as soon as you see a root pop out . I start with a solution around 6.0 pH and soak my plugs before I do my cuttings . I usually add a drop of vitamin B from B-52 by Advanced Nutrients product . Clonex is my go-to brand for a rooting hormone . After preparing your plugs with a 6.0 pH , you will be ready to insert your cuttings after using Clonex or an equivalent type of rooting hormone . Place them in a tray with a dome and a heating pad and give them fresh air a few times a day . With the right conditions , you ’ ll have roots within one week . I ’ ve had roots in five days ; other cuttings have taken as long as nine — be patient . ► Clonex Rooting Gel , 100 ml . $ 27.89 .
Products for Pesky Critters Mites and aphids ’ can cause leaf damage and kill plants . Looking at the underside of the leaf ( photo on left ) you can see dozens of eggs , and with magnification , you can see the adults that are damaging this plant . If you hope to get a harvest , this must be treated , or you will lose your plant . Several products can save your plant , but if you have signs of mites — you can ’ t wait !
Nuke-Em 8 oz . Pest Management Nuke-Em by Flying Skull Plant Products will not significantly lower the photosynthetic rate of your plants , nor will it obstruct transpiration through the leaf ’ s stomata-like oil-based pesticides do . Nuke Em ® has the ingredients to maximize the kill rate of pests while allowing your plant to thrive . Its unique formula also controls the vast array of mildews and molds found in gardens .
► Nuke-Em 8 oz . Pest Management is $ 29.99 .
30 September 2023
Look for these products at your local grow supply store . American Growers Supply , a grow store for all your grow supplies , is locally owned and operated . It ’ s located at 810 W Kearney St , Springfield , MO 65803 . View its vast inventory of growing supplies and order products online at www . amgrows . com . Call 417.866-8558 . Be sure to tell them The EVOLUTION Magazine sent you .