Proper cannabis flower storage makes a big difference in how your cannabis ultimately turns out for consumption .
of a balancing act . The general consensus is to keep cannabis between 59 % and 63 % relative humidity when stored to maintain and enhance color , consistency , aroma , and flavor . If your relative humidity is below 65 %, it reduces the chances for mold to occur . However , if it drops too low , you risk your trichomes becoming brittle and drying out the essential oils . Maintaining optimal humidity is a balancing act .
If you are purchasing your cannabis from a dispensary , it will be packaged and ready for short term storage conditions . If keeping product for longer periods , consider purchasing a cannabis humidor . Humidors are available with various capacity boxes from two to nine strains . exposure to light does not lead to an increase in Cannabinol ( CBD ), but air oxidation in the dark does .
Finally , let ’ s touch on-air control . While cannabis needs oxygen during growing and curing , storing your cannabis in a container such as a Mason jar with the right amount of air is crucial to keeping it fresh . Too little air can significantly affect the relative humidity , especially if the buds are not completely dried and cured before storage . Too much air , on the other hand , will speed up the degradation process as the cannabinoids and other organic matter are exposed to oxygen .
Cannabis storage ideas can range anywhere from the pop-top you get at the dispensary to jars from your kitchen cabinets to the fancy cannabis storage containers available on the market , which even include customized artistic jars and cannabis humidors . However , the most practical place to store your cannabis is in a dark , glass , air-tight container . Choose a glass jar that is the size that allows you to fully stuff the glass with your intact buds , leaving little air for them to dry out . You need a glass jar that seals completely , leaving no air or fumes capable of leaking out . Once the jar is closed and wiped clean , the smell and odor will typically subside considerably after a few days . pop-top packaging from the dispensary ), it is not a good practice to store your cannabis that way long-term . Plastic will expose it to degradation by light , air , and temperature fluctuations . A cabinet or drawer are good choices for storage as you want to be sure to choose a place that does not experience a lot of temperature changes that could affect the freshness .
Integra Boost packs are sugar-based two-way humidity packs , which means that any airtight container can be kept at the proper humidity level for your cannabis flower , not allowing it to either dry out or to get too much moisture and mold . Since it ’ s a sugar-based solution , it will NOT off-gas and is compostable when finished .
Whether you are storing cannabis that you have purchased from a dispensary or storing cannabis flower from your home-grow , the good news is that there are many options . And , if you do so properly , the freshness of your cannabis can last for quite a while .
Regarding light — harmful UV rays break down many organic and synthetic materials . Similar to the way your grass turns brown at the end of a long , hot , sunny summer , UV rays will degrade your cannabis over time . Probably the biggest takeaway from the JPP study is that exposure to light was shown to be the greatest single factor in the loss of cannabinoids , especially in solutions . Also , loss of Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) after
If you use a regular glass jar with no covering , make sure to place it in a cool , dry place for storage . While short-term cannabis storage in plastic is okay ( again , think of the
Have a cannabis education related question for Leah ? She ’ s a St . Louis native and a cannabis activist since 2010 ! Leah is excited to help answer all your medical marijuana questions . Please send questions to leah @ theweedblog . com . Your question may be featured in a future issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine .
September 2023 13