The EVOLUTION Magazine September 2022 | Page 31

How toGrow BIG Plants pathogens that may be present on the seed ’ s surface ( i . e ., bacteria , mold , and mildew ). H2O2 can also be applied by spraying or misting seeds before planting , but the impact may be less substantial than soaking .

It ’ s important to ensure that the total amount of H2O2 only represents 0.1 % -0.5 % of the overall water / H2O2 solution . Solution that ’ s too strong will be harmful to the seed and may prevent germination entirely . If you ’ re using a standard 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution that you find in most grocery and drug stores , use two ( 2 ) tablespoons of H2O2 for every 15 ounces of water . If you ’ re using a food-grade 35 % hydrogen peroxide solution , mix ¼ tablespoon H2O2 for every three ( 3 ) cups of water .
Starting in Paper Towels :
Another extremely common practice among growers , starting seeds in paper towels provides many of the same benefits as pre-soaking in water . By wetting paper towels and placing seeds between them , the germination-activating moisture is constantly in direct contact with the seeds . Unlike soaking , though , seeds remain between the wet paper towels in a warm , dark environment until their taproots emerge and hard exteriors fall off or loosen to the point where they can be easily removed by hand ( usually within 3-5 days , but sometimes longer ).
During the germination process , the seedfilled paper towels can be placed in plastic baggies , between lightweight plates , seedling trays , or in any dark environment that limits exposure to outside pests or pathogens . For environments that aren ’ t sufficiently warm , a heat mat can be added , but avoid direct contact between the paper towels and mat since it can quickly cook the fragile seeds .
Once the seeds have “ popped ” from their shells , place them in a grow media of your choosing , white taproot facing down . The yellow embryonic leaves at the top of the sprout should be exposed atop the grow media and will turn green within a day or two of being exposed to light .
Clones ( Asexual )
Cutting Location : Auxins are the growth hormones naturally found within cannabis that stimulate root development . The highest levels of these chemical compounds are found in areas of new growth — terminal buds at the very end of each branch and new bud sites ( accompanied by a large fan leaf ) found at nodes along the stem . While any branch cutting that includes at least one exposed bud site can create a clone , cutting on a 45-degree angle at a new bud site two to three nodes below the tip of a terminal branch is ideal .
Removing Leaf Tips : Before placing a cut branch into its grow medium , squaring the ends of each leaf by cutting off up to half the length reduces the surface area prone to mold and mildew in the humid environment necessary for cloning . It also allows for improved airflow in a tightly packed group of clones .
Equipment Sterilization : Clean scissors , scalpels , trays , grow media , etc ., to reduce the chances of unwanted bacteria or fungus attacking a vulnerable cutting . Exposed wounds on plants are susceptible to “ infection ,” just like cuts on a person . Sterilize tools with soap , hydrogen peroxide , household bleach , and / or rubbing alcohol to minimize opportunities for pathogens to enter your clones .
Rooting Hormones : When applied to the cut-end of a branch , rooting hormones encourage plant cells to transition from vegetative growth to root development . Two primary chemical compounds , generally termed auxins , make up most commercially available rooting hormones . Indole-3-butyric acid ( IBA ) is a plant hormone occurring naturally in willow trees and is the most popular ingredient in horticultural rooting products . On the other hand , 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid ( NAA ) is a synthetic plant hormone not found in nature . Both chemicals can be purchased in powder , liquid , and gel forms .
Aloe Dipping : While not a rooting hormone because no auxins are present , Aloe applied to the cut-end of a branch acts as a natural barrier due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties .
Added Mycorrhizae : Mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that form a symbiotic relationship with plants , assisting in the transfer of nutrients from the surrounding environment to the plants ’ roots . Including supplemental mycorrhizal fungi in soil or grow media can improve the speed of root development and plant vigor , even in young clones or seedlings .
Don ’ t Sweat the Small Stuff
Regardless of how you propagate , never forget that cannabis perpetuates itself in our natural environment without any human intervention . Yes , when it comes to producing high-quality cannabis commercially with repeatable results , there is a benefit to precise , technical cultivation . For the home grower , don ’ t forget to enjoy the therapeutic act of growing itself . Try a few of these more advanced techniques , but only as fun experiments . If you identify a few that add value to your grow , refine them over time and add them to your arsenal .
Happy growing !
For more information about YRG , visit www . year-roundgarden . com or call 816.216.6917 and be sure to tell them The EVOLUTION Magazine sent you .
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September 2022 31