The EVOLUTION Magazine October 2024 | Page 37

from 18 hours of light per day to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness . This simulates autumn and induces flowering whenever we desire . By growing indoors this way , you can grow several crops per year , as opposed to just one if your garden is outside .
There is a third marijuana type that is native to Central and Eastern Europe as well as Russia . It ’ s called Cannabis Ruderalis , and it is not photoperiod . Because of the early , harsh winters in the areas where it grows and nature ’ s policy of survival of the fittest , the strain evolved with the ability to flower regardless of the amount of light it gets . You can give it two hours or 24 hours of light per day , and it will still flower automatically , hence the name “ Autoflower .” After a month or two , buds will begin to form because , like every other form of life on earth , the plant wants to reproduce and have its species survive .
clones will flower at the same time as the rest of the plant . You need to start with new seeds every time , and you really don ’ t have any idea what your buds will be like or how long they will take . If you select good genetics , you are off to a good start . Another factor is that Missouri law wasn ’ t written with Autoflower in mind .
By law , I am permitted to have 18 plants at a time , with six in each of the three stages of development . Autoflower doesn ’ t conform to this very well , and trying to grow Autoflower and photoperiod simultaneously turns into a real juggling act . With this law in mind , I will grow three Autoflower plants purely for educational and scientific purposes and
� The plants growing in these small Styrofoam cups are Barney ’ s Farm ’ s Pineapple Chunk seeds ( Autoflower ) from drgreenthumb . com . The average flowering time is 55 – 60 days .
document them for you . We will grow two plants from the seeds of Gorilla Auto from 42 Fast Buds seeds and a plant of OG Kush from https :// drgreenthumb . com . For purely recreational purposes , I will also grow ( from seeds ) some Pineapple Chunk from Barney ’ s Farm in Amsterdam with a flowering time ( average ) of 55 – 60 days .
Ruderalis has a low amount of THC compared to Sativa and Indica . However , due to the ingenuity and perseverance of pot smokers , some bright young individuals learned how to crossbreed the strains and create a new variety of cannabis . Today , we now have highly potent strains that share the Autoflower trait from their Ruderalis ancestors , and Dr . Green Thumb just happened to have some seeds available for me to grow . See what I mean about my good timing .
Personally , I ’ m not a big fan of Autoflower for the simple fact that it can ’ t be cloned . It has a very specific lifespan that cannot be altered . It will flower on its own within a month or so after it starts growing , and the
� The plants in the black buckets are the three DGT OG Krush Autoflower plant seeds from drgreenthumb . com ..
I have had very good luck with Dutch strains . The Amsterdam growers have a head start over American breeders by starting in the 1970s and tend to have very reliable strains . Pineapple Chunk is listed as one of Barney ’ s Farm ’ s most potent strains as well as one of their best producers , so I am pretty excited for this stuff to hurry up and grow . I want to thank Dr . Green Thumb for helping me acquire the seeds . I will keep you guys posted about our progress . See you next month for more updates about our plant growing progress and grow tips for you .
Jay Richardson is a highly experienced home cultivator adept at producing top-quality edibles in a home environment . You can find his growing tips and cannaeducational information monthly in The EVOLUTION Magazine and on his youtube . com /@ bobosbotanicals / featured channel , where he also adds a humorous touch . His sense of humor is displayed on his new novelty tee shirts , available at www . ThatBadassShirt . com .
See page 59 .
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