The EVOLUTION Magazine October 2024 | Page 26

Why Halloween is the BEST Holiday of the Year ...
Wellness ►

Face Your FEARS !

Why Halloween is the BEST Holiday of the Year ...
by Tara Holm , contributing writer

Happy Spooky Season , Beautiful Humans ! The veil is thin , and spirits can be felt and heard all around us . Or , is that the voice in your head ? That little voice has a lot to do with how you experience life . You are the creator of your life . You have the option of how you react to every good or bad thing that happens to you .

How do you confront your fears and manage the uncertainty or anxiety that comes with facing something intimidating ? h What really scares you ? h How much of your life is based on fear ? h Not being good enough ? h Not making enough money ? h Not finding that right person ? h Trusting others ? h Trusting yourself ?
Lucky for us , we have “ Free Will .” We can think for ourselves for free , tell ourselves positive words for free , tell others we love them for free , and do our own research for free ! Listening to ourselves is a magical thing . You will be amazed at what your body and subconscious will show you . We just must trust it ! And that ’ s the SCARY thing !
Here is a little exercise for you to do . The next time you have a bad dream or even a night terror , stop running , turn around , and say NO three times ! You are the creator of your life ! You are in control ! Manifestation requires action , and if you are sitting here in fear … well , you might feel stuck !
Say , NO
Three Times !
Let us explore the root causes of fear and understand what truly holds us back .
How many times today did you say to yourself ?
● I can ’ t do that .
● I can ’ t afford that .
● I hate this “ or that ” about myself .
● I ’ ll never be able to accomplish that .
We let fear dictate our lives . We push out trust and love . Fear is pressed on us everywhere we turn . Wars are coming , the end is near , or my fav aliens have been here the WHOLE time !
Negative self-talk can let those spooky fears creep in . If we allow ourselves to live in fear constantly , our frequency can ’ t shift into manifestation consciousness .
When we say , “ Nothing is working out for me !” We are looking at all the problems around us that are affecting us . When we need to look at the bigger picture and say , “ What am I doing to better myself ?” If you ’ re sitting around just waiting for that great job or the love of your life to just walk through your door , well , get used to waiting . We should be bettering ourselves every day ! Nothing drastic , just maybe you worked out , drank your water , or took a class to better yourself in finance or cooking . Create an environment that you excel at ! Be happy in every situation ! Ask what lesson is being offered to you at this time . Be open to loving yourself and being loved . Be open to the wisdom of things bigger than you can imagine heading your way . Every day
26 October 2024