The EVOLUTION Magazine October-2023 | Page 21

consumers . For this reason , Missouri , like other legal states , mandates chemical residue screening of pesticides commonly used in commercial cannabis grows . 3 This , however , doesn ’ t mean that everything that might be used is tested for . One thing not on the list is Neem / Azadirachtin . Some ( including myself ) have argued with DHSS that it should be .
Unlike the backyard vegetable garden , growing cannabis safely necessitates special consideration . Any pesticide applied to the leaves is quickly taken up via the stomata . Whatever is absorbed can be transported throughout the plant , concentrating especially in the buds . And although common sense dictates that ( with very few exceptions ) nothing should ever be sprayed on cannabis buds , it ’ s known to happen anyway , especially in the case of a pest outbreak that ’ s gotten out of hand .
CHS has never been identified in any moderate cannabis consumer — only chronic heavy users . This author has always been an advocate for moderation . So , I ’ m not about to recommend ( as the medical establishment does ) quitting altogether . If you ’ ve experienced CHS , you ’ d be welladvised to cut back to a moderate level . If , for some valid reason , that simply isn ’ t possible , then at least change where you source your cannabis from . It could be you have a chemical sensitivity to something in your weed that will clear up by getting it elsewhere .
Resources :
1 .
https :// bit . ly / 3P3AnNk
2 .
https :// bit . ly / 45XCQzG
3 .
https :// bit . ly / 3sKpJUa
Peter Kershaw is a Patient Caregiver , an organic cannabis cultivation consultant , and extraction consultant . Contact him at pkershaw . email @ gmail . com or text to 417-230-4445 . As with all writers within these pages , if you ’ ve benefited from Peter ’ s articles , please let him and all writers know . They appreciate your thoughts .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis or treatment advice , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only . As always , check with your doctor first .

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