The EVOLUTION Magazine October-2022 | Page 18

Hemp Biz News


Creating a Healthy Future for Generations by Mitchell Melber , contributing writer

The over-harvesting of traditional hardwoods across the world has led entrepreneurs like Greg Wilson , founder of the HempWood ® company in Murray , KY , to develop solutions for disrupting this trend . Originally working in the bamboo flooring industry , Wilson has seen firsthand the toxic chemicals used for the preservation and adhesives of bamboo flooring , including harmful formaldehyde . Formaldehyde emits substantial amounts of VOCs ( Volatile Organic Compounds ) into the air affecting the biology of everyone in contact with the compound . Formaldehyde is also found in most traditional hardwood floors across the world . Wilson is an avid outdoorsman , and the effects of formaldehyde on his lungs have prohibited his ability to hike up to certain elevations due to the decreased oxygen intake in his lungs . When the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp federally , Wilson saw an opportunity with hemp wood flooring .

Formaldehyde has caused several short- and long-term effects on humans . Children are the most prone to its effects because they are closer to the ground where the toxin is being introduced into the air they breathe . The short-term effects are irritation of the throat and headaches . The long-term effects have led to cancer-causing cells developing . The toxins aren ’ t just harmful for humans , but also to the overall environment .
After experiencing the effects of formaldehyde , Wilson knew he needed an environmentally friendly adhesive to give future generations a healthy alternative for sustainable living . This quest led him to
Kentucky , one of the highest-producing hemp states historically in the United States , along with Missouri . Wilson then developed a partnership with Murray State University , an incredible biotechnology school of agriculture , to aid in the research and development of a hemp-based wood that could be used for several sustainable building applications .
To bind the “ bast fibers ” from the hemp plant , an adhesive needed to be developed . Soybeans have a strong molecular binding property produced from the oil of the plant , and after a partnership with Cargill , a soy-based adhesive was created . From there the HempWood company was founded in 2019 .
The new soy adhesive has proven far superior to formaldehyde-based adhesives because it has zero VOC emissions . The adhesive also provides hemp wood with a class 1 fire rating . The tensile strength of hemp fibers is so durable that nailing through a full hemp floor would redirect the nail leaving an inefficient installation . A remedy was created and led to the development of a pine and poplar half-inch subfloor with a ⅛-inch hemp floor on top . The subfloor has other benefits , including that it eliminates buckling and swelling and can be installed in basements . The installation process is similar to traditional hardwood floors , including nail down , floating , and gluing .
The hemp lumber is developed by cutting the 5.5 ” x 5.5 ” x 72 ” hemp logs into several increments of cuts . Tabletops , cabinetry , picture frames , and woodturning processes are all sourced from the logs . Live and rift sawn are the two grain styles developed for the
From plant to harvest ...
to processing stalks ...
to hardwood flooring for your home .
18 October 2022