The EVOLUTION Magazine October 2021 | Page 38

CBD & THC Recipes ►


Crème Brûlée

by Chef Dana Howard



When going out to a nice restaurant , you will usually find crème brûlée on the menu . It is a simple yet delightful French dessert . It is basically a custard , but what ’ s special about it is a crisp layer of caramelized sugar on the top . With a spoon , you must crack through the top layer of sugar to get to the velvety custard beneath . It is so delightful by itself . The only thing that could make this dessert more delightful would be to infuse it ! This recipe will touch base on one of the fundamental infusions that we have not talked about yet — how to infuse milk and cream . They are very simple infusions , but from the point of view of a chef , there are some key “ don ’ ts ” that you must pay attention to . Don ’ t worry ; we will go over everything together so that your first cream infusion works like a charm , making your first crème brûlée experience is spectacular .

When we think about infusing cannabis , we know that CBD and THC are lipophilic , meaning that they are attracted to fats and are not water-soluble on their own . In every recipe , there must be a fatty carrier for these cannabinoids to attach to , which is why we are going to infuse the cream in our crème brûlée . Have you ever checked the fat content of your heavy cream ? It is a perfect carrier .
The most important thing we can do here is infuse our cream . I like to do infusions with a very mild cannabis flavor . I do not want the cannabis to overpower the other flavors in my food . How we do that with cream is to leave the cannabis buds in just slightly larger pieces . We don ’ t want to grind it up before or after decarbing . This will help keep the flavor mild . Another thing we need to consider is that milk and cream will curdle if it is heated too quickly or if it has been heated over 170 degrees Fahrenheit . That is why adding heat low and slow is essential for this recipe .
Infused Cream Ingredients
• 4 cups of heavy cream
• 2 grams of cannabis flower
The Method
1 . Combine the cannabis flower and heavy whipping cream in a 2-quart saucepan . Place the saucepan over low heat .
2 . Gently bring the mixture to 165 ° F . This process should be done slowly and take 30 minutes . 3 . Once the mixture reaches 165 ° F , let simmer for 30 minutes at 165 ° F .
4 . After 30 minutes , strain the cannabis cream through a paper filter , funnel , cheesecloth , or French press to separate the plant matter from the cream .
5 . Return the prepared cannabis milk to an airtight container , like a mason jar , and store it in the refrigerator .
6 . Base your storage time in the refrigerator based on the original expiration date of the milk you used .
38 October 2021