Wellness ►
Conquer Seasonal Depression
Your Health , Your Mental Clarity , & Cannabis by Tara Holm , contributing writer
Did you know an estimated 280 million people in the world have depression ? Depression is about 50 % more common in women than men . More than 700,000 people die due to suicide every year . Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15 – 29-year-olds .
Depression can be seasonal , monthly , or even weekly . Depression can cause difficulties in all aspects of life , including in the community and at home , work , and school . A depressive episode can be categorized as mild , moderate , or severe depending on the number and severity of symptoms , as well as the impact on the individual ’ s functioning .
There are different patterns of depressive episodes including :
● Single-episode depressive disorder , meaning the person ’ s first and only episode .
● Recurrent DD , meaning the person has a history of at least two depressive episodes .
● Bipolar disorder , meaning depressive episodes alternate with periods of manic symptoms , which include euphoria or irritability , increased activity or energy , and other symptoms such as increased talkativeness , racing thoughts , increased self-esteem , decreased need for sleep , distractibility , and impulsive reckless behavior .
Depression is closely related to and affected by physical health . The way we take care of our bodies influences our mental state . Everything from the foods we put into our bodies , the way we talk about ourselves , and alcohol . Being aware of your body both inside and out can help you recognize the onset of symptoms of depression . It could be seasonal , the added stress of the holidays , or missing a certain loved one . Depression can also strike out of nowhere ! One minute , you ’ re fine ; the next one , you can ’ t stop crying .
18 November 2023
So , let ’ s dig into some tools and other modalities to help you when you are in your battle .
First , Recognize and Own It . Don ’ t ignore it and think it ’ s going away on its own . 1 . Tell someone . Speak up ! Tell them you ’ re off today , or maybe you aren ’ t feeling yourself this week .
2 . Please , please , voice your concerns or worries . There is always someone to listen , and there is always hope !
3 . Change it up ! Shake up your environment ! Clean your house or car ! Hang out with new friends ! When you feel blue , step onto the grass and feel the sunshine on your face for five minutes . This will instantly boost your serotonin levels !
4 . Exercise ! I know I ’ ve said it 100 times and , I will say it 1,000 times more … MOVE YOUR BODY — Walk , dance , play disc golf — anything active .
5 . Just do something ! Move Your Body — don ’ t become sedentary !
Good food and good sleep .
Let ’ s Get Our MOVE On !
You put gas in your car and the charger on your phone at night . Without either of these things , your car and phone won ’ t function . So , without healthy food and restful sleep , how can you expect your body to function at its best ?
Cannabis !
Today , cannabis is being used as an alternative to prescription pills and alcohol — both are known links to depression . Cannabis users have many options . We can consume by smoking , eating , drinking , and even a patch worn on our bodies . Selecting the right cannabis for you and your symptoms is the trick . If you have anxiety , you might want to stick to Indica products , whereas Sativas can amplify anxiety . Heavy cannabis users can fall on the depression side . Be aware of your triggers and know if you ’ re using cannabis to mask the bigger picture .
If depression hits close to you or someone you know , share some tips and tricks that have helped you or a family member , and seek help when needed . Remember , you are not alone . We all have our stories . As the holidays near , be mindful of your words to yourself and others . Pay attention to people ’ s energies . If they seem off , ask them . If you feel off , tell someone — never be afraid to reach out for help .
We are all here to love and care for each other ! Show up for yourself first , then show up for others . Your cup must be full before you can fully show up for others . Be kind to someone each day .
Love and Light , Friend , Tara .
Tara Holm has over 12 years of experience in healthcare and over nine years in Personal Training and Wellness Coaching . She helps take care of your body from the inside out . She helps educate about Plant Medicine and ways it can help you find your balance in a healthy and maintainable lifestyle . She is a Clovr Brand Ambassador . Getting the right education out to the public about products has been and will continue to be her goal .