The countdown to November 8 and Amendment 3 on the ballot for Missouri ’ s Adult-use Marijuana Legalization has arrived . As I write this column in October , the outcome is unknown . What is known is that by the time this issue hits the streets , voters will still have the opportunity to read several articles we ’ ve published over the last four issues and educate themselves about the details outlined within Amendment 3 before heading to the polls .
St . Louis attorney Denise McCracken wrote a series of three articles about the details found in the Amendment 3 initiative for our August , September , and October issues . If you missed reading those issues , please visit our website to review them . We are grateful to Ms . McCracken for taking time away from her busy law practice to help better inform our readers about the details within Amendment 3 .
Our November issue is a tight timeline leading up to the November 8 vote . Nevertheless , attorney Dan Viets , the Missouri Coordinator for NORML ( the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ), has written an article that will inform readers about the Initiative and exactly What It “ Will ” and “ Will Not ” do .
Viets says , “ There are a great many misleading and false statements about the Legal Missouri Initiative which are being circulated on the internet , and , unfortunately , sometimes by major mainstream media who uncritically report what internet trolls are saying .” His article , found on page 16 , will help set the record straight and better inform our readers about Amendment 3 .
In 2018 Missouri passed Amendment 2 to legalize medical marijuana , with almost 66 % approval . According to
https :// flatlandkc . org , a recent poll by SurveyUSA says 62 % of 1,782 registered voters in Missouri responded that adult-use marijuana should be legalized . Among other respondents , 25 % were against legalization , and 13 % were not sure .
As mentioned in the last two issues , this magazine remains a neutral media source and is 100 % geared toward — as it says on the cover — Health , Wellness , and Education . We are working hard to help “ Change the Stigma ” and offer exclusive content for MMJ card holders , help add legitimacy to potential medical uses , and focus on product education , industry-related news , and businesses . We will not include any political opinions but rather let the voter decide . With that said , nothing happens until you get out and vote !
Lastly , this month we celebrate Thanksgiving on November 24 . Originally a celebration in remembrance of the Plymouth colonists ( Pilgrims ) and the Wampanoag native Americans sharing a harvest feast that ’ s acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving and peace . Turkey has become synonymous with the holiday ; however , it ’ s long been debated whether or not the Pilgrims actually offered it at the inaugural feast in 1621 .
Today , for nearly every American household , the Thanksgiving celebration has lost much of its original significance . Instead it is a day to gather with family and friends , feast on turkey and all the dressings , watch parades , football , and hopefully give thanks for family and friends and a lifetime of blessings and prosperity .
As our magazine celebrates its third year , we are truly thankful for every reader , our advertising partners , writers , and staff — all of whom make this publication possible . Thank you all for being a part of this exciting journey to educate and inform the dedicated readers about Missouri ’ s legal , medical cannabis products and industry . Stay tuned as we have much more to offer in the years ahead .
6 November 2022
From The Editor
Bill Cromwell , Publisher , Editor-in-Chief
The 11 / 8 Countdown is Here !
Happy Thanksgiving !
Missouri ’ s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City , MO , Advocates , Publishers and Writers . A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients , and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story . We hope you join and enjoy “ The Evolution .”
PUBLISHER , EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Bill Cromwell News , Articles and Advertisement Requests should email to :
Bill . C @ TheEvolutionMag . com Corporate Office ( New 8 / 22 ): 816.886.9017 Kansas City , MO Mail to : P . O . Box 2196 , Independence , MO 64055
MANAGING EDITOR , VP OF OPERATIONS : Victoria Cromwell DIRECTOR MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT : Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER , GRAPHIC ARTS and EDITORIAL : Bill Cromwell PHOTOGRAPHY : Clayton Stallings , and guests photographers
Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders
● Danielle Buntyon ― Elevated Learning
● Karla Deel — Cannabis Culture and History , Product Profiles
● Kassie Ferrero ― Dispensary Product Reviews and News
● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD and THC
● Dolores Halbin , RN — Patient Advocate and Awareness
● Sean Keast ― Product Profiles and Dispensary News
● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist
● Leah Maurer — Health , Awareness , Ask Leah Columnist
● Jason Mispagel , — Home Growers Education Columnist
● Dr . Poppa , D . O ., M . B . A . ― Medical Health News
● Alexandria Stith ― Patient Feature Columnist
● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates
TM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , select St . Louis locations , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region . Free printed copies are found at nearly 360 locations including CBD stores , MMJ Dispensaries , Garden and Grow Supply Stores , doctors offices , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , and many other select locations . In addition , the monthly magazine is offered online in an inter-active E-magazine at
www . TheEvolutionMag . com .
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FDA Disclaimer : Any statements / claims made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration . No articles , products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose , treat , cure , prevent any disease , ailment or disorder . Medical decisions should not be made based on advertisements within these pages . Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products . Products mentioned within for use by adults age 21 and older . Keep such products out of reach of children . The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research , opinions and / or educated experience .
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TM Magazine . All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved . Reproduction of any part of this publication ’ s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor .