The EVOLUTION Magazine May 2024 | Page 13

People all over our country are showing up to work every day on a variety of prescription pharmaceuticals that can arguably impair work safety or productivity far more than cannabis . Because there are few laws protecting our privacy in the workplace , many American workers are tested yearly , even though they aren ’ t suspected of any drug use . Of course , employers have the right to expect workers not to be impaired on the job , but they shouldn ’ t have the right to require employees to prove their innocence by taking a drug test .
Even in high-risk occupations , random drug testing does not guarantee safety . Computer-assisted performance tests , which measure hand-eye coordination and response time , are a better way of detecting whether employees are up to the job . Drug tests don ’ t prevent accidents because they don ’ t address the root problems that lead to substance abuse , but good management and counseling can . Regardless , this issue plagues many cannabis consumers and medical marijuana patients every day .
Parental Protections
Parents , especially mothers , fear legal repercussions and custody threats due to cannabis consumption . While Missouri did embed some parental protections with Amendment 3 and the legalization of adult-use cannabis , further progress is needed both in Missouri and nationwide . It is one of the biggest factors that pushes parents away from consuming cannabis in any form , even if they are looking for safer , plant-based alternatives to other medicines and even pharmaceuticals with harsh side effects . Parents are often unwilling to risk putting themselves in a position where they are questioned by law enforcement about their children or having their children taken away and placed into the custody of others , even if it comes at the cost of their own health and well-being . It is a real threat , especially for those parents living in states where cannabis is not legalized for all adults to consume and possess . Until there are protections built into the laws that legalize cannabis , this will continue to be an issue for parents across the U . S . and one that will need ongoing advocacy .
While there are many issues we face as cannabis consumers and medical marijuana patients , those listed here are ones that have a profound effect on the market nationwide . We need to continue to advocate for these very issues as things move forward because , ultimately , we are the ones driving the market and voting on policy change .
Have a cannabis education related question for Leah ? She ’ s a St . Louis native and a cannabis activist since 2010 ! Leah is excited to help answer all your medical marijuana questions . Please send questions to leah @ theweedblog . com . Your question may be featured in a future issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical diagnosis or treatment advice , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only . As always , check with your doctor first .
Medical decisions should not be made based on advertising . Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products .
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