Critters vs Cannabis
To be clear , there are tons of pests and pathogens out there and numerous ways to treat them . This is not a comprehensive list , by any means . It ’ s a starting point to identify and treat some of the most common pests and pathogens that impact cannabis .
Pathogen : Powdery Mildew
Visual Signs : White / gray , powdery / chalky patches on leaves and stems .
Impact : While a plant may survive with powdery mildew all the way through harvest , large outbreaks can stress the plant by damaging leaves , preventing photosynthesis , and infecting buds .
Treatment : Remove affected areas of the plant , if possible . Utilize an antimicrobial such as Agrowlyte or a fungicide such as Bush Doctor Force of Nature . Be careful not to apply antimicrobials directly to living soil , though , or you risk damaging the good bacteria and fungus that ’ s needed in the soil food web . In most cases , powdery mildew can be easily eliminated and have minimal impact on yield if caught early enough .
Pest : Fungus Gnats
Visual Signs : Irritating flying insects that tend to congregate near the plant ’ s base and in damp areas . Disturb the grow media and look for any movement along the surface . Small translucent larvae will wrap themselves around root tips to feed .
Impact : Unless the infestation is really bad , fungus gnats typically don ’ t dramatically impact the growth of established plants . Where there are adult gnats , though , there are likely eggs left behind in the growing media . These will grow into larvae that feed on plant roots and quickly destroy seedlings and young clones before they build a solid root structure .
Treatment : Place Summit ® Mosquito Bits containing a bacterium called Bacillus Thuringiensis in your soil or reservoir . The species of bacteria produces proteins toxic to insect larvae but not to humans or mammals .
Pest : Aphids
Visual Signs : Light yellow / green pear-shaped bugs that can leave behind a sticky substance on leaves and stems . Tiny white aphid-flakes ( shed skins ) on leaf tops . Misshapen , curled , and damaged leaves , often developing a dark , moldy look from fungus that forms on the sticky residue .
Impact : A few aphids won ’ t do too much damage , but they reproduce rapidly . Once a population is large enough , it can decimate an entire garden .
Pest : Thrips
Treatment : Dyna-Gro ® Neem oil , an extract from Azadirachta Indica , a Southeast Asian tree , can be applied to plant surfaces during vegetative growth . When consumed by pests , this natural insecticide causes them to stop feeding , subsequently leading to a reduction in their population .
Visual Signs : Distorted leaves in areas of new growth . Tiny , thin white-to-brownish lines on the underside and tops of leaves ( these are the thrips ). Patches of light-colored plant material drained of nutrients and black dots clustered together around them ( thrip feces ).
Pest : Spider Mites
Impact : Leaf distortion in new growth and leaf damage , both of which cause stress to the plant and reduced levels of photosynthesis . Thrips can also transfer some of the more dangerous plant viruses that can devastate a grow if not contained .
Treatment : Mammoth Microbes Bio-Control can be sprayed on thrips to suffocate them and then uses the properties of thyme oil as a future deterrent . Neem oil also works as with aphids .
Visual Signs : Small yellow / brown spots on leaves . Tiny translucent specs , barely visible to the naked eye ( these are the mites ) on the underside of leaves . In an infestation that ’ s gotten out of control , tightly laced webbing will develop where you ’ ll be able to see the mites and their eggs .
Impact : Leaf and flower damage . Reduced yield and ability to perform photosynthesis . Potential death of the entire plant .
Treatment : Supreme Growers ® Smite can be sprayed on spider mite adults and eggs to kill them on contact . A blend of cold-pressed Geranium , Peppermint , Cotton Seed , and Rosemary oils enter the mites ’ bodies through their abdomen , causing suffocation .
As you wheel the power of your green thumb , remember , if you want to cultivate a high-quality home-grow — learn to mind your “ pests .” Enjoy the season !
For more information about YRG , visit www . year-roundgarden . com or call 816.216.6917 and be sure to tell them The EVOLUTION Magazine sent you .
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