6 May 2022
From The Editor
Bill Cromwell , Publisher , Editor-in-Chief
Honoring Our Fallen Warriors
As we celebrate Memorial Day and honor our veterans this year , we invited veteran Todd Scattini , a 27-year Lieutenant Colonel , U . S . Army retired , to address the issues surrounding medical cannabis access for veterans . We also asked him to give us some insight as to how the 4 % tax Missouri has on cannabis product sales , which are allocated to the VA , is helping veterans .
It ’ s important to note that no one really knew until Scattini took a deep dive into exactly how the 4 % Missouri sales tax on cannabis was being used once the state issued payment to the VA for veterans ! It was even a bit of a challenge to get answers from the VA . Ultimately , Scattini ’ s persistence with the VA prevailed . He got the answers needed to draft his article Veterans and Medical Cannabis in Missouri , The Frontier of a Medical Revolution for this issue ( pages 36-37 ). We implore you to read his article and do what you can to advocate for medical cannabis use and access for our honored veterans .
Though Memorial Day takes place this year on Monday , May 20 , we honor our fallen veterans every day and sincerely thank the living for all they have done to serve our country — protecting us !
Consider this ; our April issue featured an article by Clayton Stallings about an organization named K9s For Camo . The K9s For Camo program serves veterans , families , and the community by providing a warrior with a K9 rescue trained to help our veterans overcome the challenges of PTSD , among other mental health issues . During our research for the article , we discovered a staggering and tearful statistic .
Every single day , 22 veterans take their own lives . That ’ s 22 suicides per day — a suicide every 65 minutes . As shocking as that number is , the real number may actually be higher . The VA researchers used death records from 21 states for its 2010 national estimate for veterans of all ages . The largest number of veterans who die by suicide are between 55 and 74 years old . Although that data was collected 12 years ago , as of 2022 , the per-day number of suicides has not dropped ; in fact , it has increased .
It seems for all that our veterans have given to our country ( and its citizens ), the absolute very least we can do is make cannabis a legal treatment for PTSD and available through the VA . For that to happen , the folks in Washington need to get off their duffs , quit playing around , and change the federal laws regarding cannabis . As of the end of 2021 , medical use of cannabis has been legalized in 39 states and the District of Columbia . The recreational or adult-use of cannabis is also legal in DC and 18 states . Hello politicians , cannabis is even legal in Washington DC . Why is it still federally illegal ?
Happy Memorial Day ; Remember and Honor !
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Missouri ’ s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City , MO , Advocates , Publishers and Writers . A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients , and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story . We hope you join and enjoy “ The Evolution .”
PUBLISHER , EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Bill Cromwell News , Articles and Advertisement Requests should email to :
Bill . C @ TheEvolutionMag . com Corporate Office : 816.878.4509 Kansas City , MO
Mail to : P . O . Box 2196 , Independence , MO 64055 MANAGING EDITOR , VP OF OPERATIONS : Victoria Cromwell DIRECTOR MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT : Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER , GRAPHIC ARTS : Bill Cromwell PHOTOGRAPHY : Clayton Stallings , and guests photographers
Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders
● Danielle Buntyon ― Elevated Learning
● Karla Deel — Cannabis Culture and History , Product Profiles
● Dana Howard — Cooking with CBD and THC
● Dolores Halbin , RN — Patient Advocate and Awareness
● April Hatch , RN ― Patient Education Columnist
● Sean Keast ― Product Profiles and Dispensary News
● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist
● Leah Maurer — Health , Awareness , Ask Leah Columnist
● Jason Mispagel , — Home Growers Education Columnist
● Andrew Park , ACRP-CP — Cannabiz News
● Dr . Michael J . Poppa , D . O ., M . B . A . ― Medical Health News
● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates
TM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , select St . Louis locations , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region . Free printed copies are found at nearly 360 locations including CBD stores , MMJ Dispensaries , Garden and Grow Supply Stores , doctors offices , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , and many other select locations . In addition , the monthly magazine is offered online in an inter-active E-magazine at
www . TheEvolutionMag . com .
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