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Medicating on The Go
The who , what , where , when , and how ? by Andrew Park , contributing writer
On The Road
The oldest teaching lesson you can remember in writing . The who , what , where , when , and how ? These pillars remain relevant in the everyday life of all of us . Some more than others must focus on the where and how , specifically patients who need to medicate while traveling . A reader reached out to us asking about an article explaining the finer details of medicating on the go as a guide to ensure no trouble is caused . Before we go into it , I want to personally thank our readers for reaching out and asking for help . I am so proud to write for this publication , and helping patients is why we are here . Information mentioned in the article references information found at the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services ( DHSS ) website .
First , the who — this can go one of two ways — either a caregiver who has a caregiver card issued by DHSS and has your medicine in transit or you as a Missouri cannabis patient with your Patient card and the legal amount of medicine on your person ( 4 oz of dried flower or the equivalent ). I won ’ t dive into the cultivation aspect of the limits as the reader specifically asked about medicating while traveling to doctor appointments that require long trips . While you consume your medicine , under Missouri law your caregiver and / or a family member can be in attendance .
The “ where ” is the part that requires the most research and fine-print review . You cannot , I repeat cannot consume cannabis in a public place in the state of Missouri . It gets worse if you head North to Iowa , where cannabis is still illegal both medically and recreationally , and of course , to the west , where Kansas has yet to establish any cannabis program ( but it is in the works ). It is also important to remember that crossing state lines with any cannabis product is still against the law federally . Please do not cross state lines with cannabis .
There is an aspect of what defines a public place in Missouri , simply put , a park bench
38 May 2022 or rest stop on the side of a highway is a no-go . Those areas are exposed to the public , where anyone can access that space . That is extremely important to remember because , according to Missouri laws , private property can also be considered a public space if it is open to the general public . A person who owns the land in the situation of a rest stop can provide a private area designated for cannabis medication ; however , it needs to be posted in writing and have public signage in the area before the patient may legally medicate . As of the writing of this article , I have no knowledge of any Missouri areas that have been designated for cannabis medicating . If you know of such places , please let us know , and we ’ ll share that news .
The actual DHSS rule states : Regarding public consumption , per rule 19 CSR 30-95.030 , no qualifying patient shall consume marijuana for medical use in a public place unless provided by law . 19 CSR 30-95.010 defines a public place as any public or private property , or portion of public or private property , that is open to the general public , including but not limited to sidewalks , streets , bridges , parks , schools , and businesses .
The “ when ” and “ how ” are the most subjective part of this article . You , as the patient , will need to figure out when to medicate while you are on private property away from general public access . Discretion is advised . You will also need to figure out how you medicate to feel relief from your symptoms for the longest amount of time on those long road trips . This can be in the form of edibles or any type of “ delayed ” THC delivery . If I have learned anything from my time within the cannabis industry , it is that help is just around the corner . People have been waiting so long for this medication to become legal that plans are always in motion to help patients . Ask your budtender what the best product for your road trip needs are ? Again , please know that crossing state lines with your cannabis is still federally illegal .
I truly hope this provided some clarity on traveling as a patient . In terms of getting public areas to allow private areas for consumption — the good news is that Missouri allows petitions with citizen signatures to be introduced for a vote to become a law . Also , a growing number of business owners are canna-friendly and would be more than happy to begin asking the state for permission to establish private areas for patients to medicate . In the bestcase scenario , with the help of a few savvy entrepreneurs , we could be only a couple of years away from cannabis lounges popping up in Missouri !
More information about Missouri ’ s medical marijuana program , rules , and regulations can be found at https :// health . mo . gov / safety / medical-marijuana / faqs . php . See the FAQ ’ s “ Consumption ” page .
Scan QR to see the DHSS FAQ ’ s “ Consumption ” page information .
Andrew Park ACRP-CP , is the Director of Regulatory Affairs for a clinical research company based in KC . His years of experience in research have shown him the importance that treatments can always be improved . A Kansas City native , Andrew recently launched his Seed and Stems cannabis-related podcast on Spotify . Contact him at andrewkcpark @ gmail . com .
Notice : This information is for general information only and should not be construed as formal legal advice . For legal advice readers should always contact an attorney . MMJ rules are found at the DHSS website .