The EVOLUTION Magazine May 2022 | Page 34


Cannabis as Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy

by Dr . Michael J . Poppa , DO , MBA

There have been several studies conducted on the connection between marijuana and diabetes . Current studies have shown that marijuana is beneficial for those individuals already diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes . Any discussion of potential medical marijuana treatment for diabetic neuropathy begins with a brief discussion regarding these two types of diabetes .

Type 1 : This condition occurs as a result of the pancreas ’ inability to produce efficient insulin . People with Type 1 diabetes produce no insulin and are , therefore , required to take insulin injections .
Type 2 : With Type 2 diabetes , individuals can produce insulin but in insufficient quantities causing a lack of glucose in the body .
Common symptoms of diabetes :
● Increased hunger
● Dry mouth
● Frequent urination
● Fatigue
● Blurred vision
● Increased thirst
● Itching of the skin
● Weight gain
Medical research on marijuana and diabetes treatment
In 2013 , the results of a five-year study were released , indicating those individuals who had used cannabis had 16 % lower fasting insulin levels as well as 17 % lower levels of insulin resistance and higher levels of HDL-C . Marijuana users appeared to have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers . Their fasting insulin levels were lower , and the individuals in the study appeared to be less resistant to the natural insulin produced by their bodies . The study also found lower prevalence rates of obesity and diabetes mellitus in marijuana users compared with people who have never used marijuana , suggesting a relationship between cannabinoids and peripheral metabolic processes . This 2013 study by authors Penner EA , Buettner H , and Mittleman MA was published in the American Journal of Medicine .
Assuming marijuana has a positive effect on people with diabetes , we need to discuss how you dose marijuana for optimum effects of improving your diabetes mellitus . It is imperative that you , as a patient , discuss with your physician the use of cannabis . It is known that one of the major risk factors of marijuana use with diabetes is hypoglycemia , in which marijuana may cause your blood glucose ( sugar ) levels to drop too low .
A very common side effect of uncontrolled diabetes is neuropathic pain , more commonly called neuropathy . Neuropathic pain manifests itself as a stabbing or tingling sensation , especially involving extremities ( fingers / hands and toes / feet ). Obviously , each diabetic has some degree of neuropathic pain that can vary greatly depending on the chronicity of diabetes as well as the failure of treatment programs . In those individuals experiencing moderate to severe neuropathies , pain can be debilitating , preventing you from performing activities of daily living . There are other causes of neuropathic pain , including amputation , alcoholism , chemotherapy , HIV / AIDS , multiple sclerosis , shingles / herpes , spinal cord or nerve compression as well as thyroid problems , and more . Common to all these conditions is chronic pain .
Pharmaceutical treatment for neuropathic pain is usually antidepressants , anti-convulsant drugs , and / or non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs . However , for those with severe neuropathies , opioids or other strong pain medications are prescribed . The problem with any pharmaceutical treatment program is that treating neuropathic pain is difficult , and sometimes the pharmaceutical drugs may even worsen the condition , resulting in increased disability .
Although there is no known cure for diabetic neuropathy , treatment is focused on pain relief , inhibiting the progression of the disease and reducing the risk for complications . Obviously , lifestyle changes are necessary and include smoking cessation , weight loss , proper sleep and exercise , a healthy diet , avoidance of alcohol , and maintaining proper blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure levels .
In discussing which marijuana strains work better for diabetes , understand that while specific marijuana strains may not have an effect on diabetes , marijuana may help reduce your blood glucose levels and help you feel better or reduce stress , allowing you to improve and better manage your symptoms .
Here is a list of several strains that individuals with diabetes and related neuropathy should consider . ( Please note , depending on the cultivator , brand names for strain names mentioned can vary in Missouri .)
Harlequin : This strain seems to be a very good choice for diabetic patients because of its high CBD and low THC content ( 5 to 2 ratio ). Although this strain has a 75 % Sativa genetic makeup , it does provide feelings of relaxation without gluing you to the couch or leaving you feeling intoxicated . Also , this high CBD cannabis strain
34 May 2022